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"Lite" Mode Gone with Accordance 14

Yuk Fai Lo

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Accordance Lite was replaced by the Accordance Trial version last summer. 

The Accordance Trial version is still at version 13 and can be downloaded from the home page.

Edited by Mark Allison
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From what I've heard, there are plans to release an Accordance 14 Trial version. 

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Try the Accordance 13 trial at the moment as Mark said. We’ll post any updates on an Accordance 14 trial a little later once we’ve made a few additional updates to the apps.

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Thanks for the replies.


I've a number of Accordance resources, and a Starter pack bought many years ago. I have been using the Lite mode since, as I don't need the advanced functionalities. 


What should I do to jump onboard to v14? I'd like to have proper dark mode support on Windows.



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Normally, you would upgrade v.13 to v.14 with the appropriate package. However, this upgrade comprises the Accordance 14 engine only. There are no resources included. Again, it would not be possible to upgrade Accordance 13 Lite to v.14 since it was a free version.


I believe the best way for you is to install v.13 Trial version (But rename and back up your existing v.13 first). The trial version comes with about 60 resources. 


After the 90 Day Trial (or before), you can purchase Accordance v.13 at the special reduced price. This will give you the full product with all the included resources. Once you have bought v.13 you'll then be able to purchase the v.14 upgrade. This will give you access to Dark Mode and other new features.

Edited by Gordon Lyons
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I’d recommend calling sales and telling them you’re interested in 14, and that you were on Lite mode previously, plus have a Starter package. They can recommend the best path for you to upgrade to Accordance 14 at the best price. 


In the meantime, you can install the Accordance 13 trial so you at least have access to Accordance while you’re working on your Accordance upgrade.

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Thanks! Does sales have email? Cause I'm in Hong Kong and calling is a bit inconvenient.



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I also have International calling on my T-Mobile line, so if sales needs me to call you sometime, I can.

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