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Refund for v.14


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I've been trying patiently to wait for fixes that don't seem to be coming, and discovering more trouble with an important feature (for me) that used to work.


First, I endured Spanish language resources being referenced in Instant Details after I upgraded, and despite resetting the resource it was supposed to reference, the Spanish stuck. 

Next, after Instant Details was "fixed" or rather worked liked it did for every previous version I've used, checking updates for content caused a crash that wouldn't allow Accordance to restart without restarting the computer.

After 14.03 fixed that, I had hoped the sync feature with either Dropbox was working again or via WiFi was working at all. Negatory on that. This was the back-breaking straw.


I've been pretty happy with Accordance up to this latest release. For language research, it is easier and more functional than other programs. But this v.14 is a mess and continues to be so. I'm frustrated, particularly since I'm in the middle of teaching and this app isn't cutting it.

Edited by cdh24601
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If you’re asking for a refund on Accordance 14, contact our sales team on Monday, and they can explain any options for you.


In the meantime, you can temporarily “downgrade” the Accordance app on your machine back to Accordance 13 and keep your Accordance 14 license purchase in the event you wish to install the Accordance 14 upgrade later. I’ll be meeting with our developers coming up to find out about the latest bug fixes and where we’re at on syncing enhancements, etc. So we’re still on track to offer an excellent experience on Accordance 14.


Here are the downgrade instructions if you need them:



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  • 2 months later...

3/20/23 Update

Updated to 14.04.  Sync from tablet to Dropbox to desktop still doesn't work. My Olivetree works; as does my Logos and my Tecarta. 

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9 hours ago, cdh24601 said:

3/20/23 Update

Updated to 14.04.  Sync from tablet to Dropbox to desktop still doesn't work. My Olivetree works; as does my Logos and my Tecarta. 

I suggest talking to tech support. I'm running v14.0.4 with macOS and dropbox works fine (though the box does not show progress, it does, in fact, since just fine). 

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Tech Support should definitely be able to assist here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

4/1/23 Update 

Tech support gave me some hints, but primarily the sync is moving from Dropbox to an Accordance solution later this year.  Almost by accident, I scrolled through the menu choices and found a switch for Mobile highlights, that when I checked it, my highlights appeared on the desktop. I'm happier, but I agree with others that the Wifi sync is buggy. 

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We are working on enhanced syncing that will replace Dropbox. We promised it to arrive after 14, and we’re still on track to deliver it. It became a little delayed due to resolving some bugs in 14, but 14.0.5 will put us one good step closer to it.

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Yes I am anxiously awaiting these updates.  There are numerous bugs & I have NEVER had a spinning wheel until 14!!  One of the few main features that set Accordance above all the other softwares was its almost instant speed.  Please bring this back!!!  

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We’re working on squashing all the spinning beachball issues.

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On 4/2/2023 at 3:42 AM, Nathan Parker said:

We’re working on squashing all the spinning beachball issues.

I also patiently wait for this "feature" to go away. Way too long not fixed. It was reported almost immediately fater the launch of v.14.

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There are multiple causes of the issue. We believe we’ve tracked them all down and reported them to our programmers so they can be squashed.

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It's rather meta to be waiting a long time for a wait-a-long-time beachball to be squashed. :)


But seriously though, whatever the Accordance programmers are doing, it's working. 14.0.4 might not be quite out of the woods yet, but it's stable enough that I feel comfortable leaving it running. It's nice to regain some confidence in the app.

Edited by Lawrence
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I had no stability issues, but I run into the spinning beach ball EVERY TIME I open Accordance. My fault, I know, I type in wrong queries and get that spinning beach ball… 

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1 hour ago, Guntis said:

I had no stability issues, but I run into the spinning beach ball EVERY TIME I open Accordance. My fault, I know, I type in wrong queries and get that spinning beach ball…

This has been my greatest frustration with version 14. I am bad about misspelling a word and getting the dreaded spinning beachball for what seems like minutes (I know its just seconds). Like Guntis, its my fault, but the delay is getting a little annoying now.

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