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Prayer for Tim Jenney


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Thank you for sharing this Rick.

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Thanks for sharing Rick. He is with the Lord.

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Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Dr. J combined a scholar's mind with a passionate servant's heart. His wise counsel and keen insight will be missed. Maranatha!

Edited by Clint Cozier
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Also sad to to hear of a strong brother in the Lord passed, my prayers are with his family at this time.

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Thank you Rick for passing this along. May the Lord comfort Tim Jenney's family during this time.

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Rest in peace Dr. J.  You transformed how I studied with digital software.  You made it exciting and fun for me, you made it look easy.   You opened up a whole new world of study aids and theological reference.  

Matthew 25:23   “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’


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I'm so sad to hear that. My condolences to his family. 

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God be with the family to comfort them, as He is surely now comforting Tim now.

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Praying for his family and sorry for the loss. He is with the Lord now. I will always be grateful for his time at Accordance. I wouldn’t be the Accordance user I am today (and likely not working here) if it weren’t for his skill in training all of us on Accordance.

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Thank you for letting us know.  Praying for Dr. J’s family.  May he find rest in the Lord.  Thank you Dr. J for all that you’ve done in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  May we all find peace in the knowledge that death has been conquered and that we will all be reunited with our loved ones that have gone before us.  May God bless all of you, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  

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Thank you Rick Mansfield for keeping us updated and informing us of the passing of Dr. Tim Jenney. And, thank you, Nathan Parker for having this information posted on the Accordance website. My thoughts and prayers to the family of Dr. Tim Jenney.

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See his orbituary here.

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Thanks. I just posted on his obituary. I still haven’t had a chance to donate to his campaign yet. GoFundMe isn’t working for me, so I need to mail them in a cashier’s check. My bank was doing some renovation. I think we can finally get in there. I’ll try to get that done soon.

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Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes indeed!” says the Spirit, “so they can rest from their labors, because their deeds will follow them!”


Thank You Lord for the precious life of Your servant Timothy … resting now in Your arms of love!








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