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what is the best way to import notes into user notes


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I love to write notes on my ipad with an apple pencile and i use an app that automatically  converts my handwritings into text. I would like to import these notes into Accordance user notes. Is there a way to import a document and it be tagged to the verses or is the only option to copy and paste to the specific verse?

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I have taken handwritten notes with the Apple Pencil within Accordance user notes and it has worked fine for me.

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19 minutes ago, Jordan Gowing said:

I have taken handwritten notes with the Apple Pencil within Accordance user notes and it has worked fine for me.

I didn't know you could do that but the app that i use converts a whole handwritten document  into text and exports it. I want to know if I can  import the document as user notes with the notes linked to verses. 

Edited by Teddy24
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The User Notes import only reads a folder of RTF files, one per verse, where the file name indicates the verse.


I wrote a Python script that takes a Markdown file in which third level headings indicate verses, splits it at those headings, and uses pandoc to convert each fragment to an RTF file for import. It’s a power user thing rather than a simple tool, but you can find it here: https://gitlab.com/jlmp/acc-great-commentary/-/blob/master/code/mkRTFnotes.py. See also https://gitlab.com/jlmp/acc-great-commentary/-/blob/master/README.md#how-the-code-works

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