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Word Study Bug


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I just did the exact same search: same text, same search, same os, and had no issue at all. Are you using 14.03? And are you running intel or apple silicon?

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I'm running on 14.03 and using intel. 2019 MacBook Pro 16 inch model. Thank you! 

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Another Word Study bug: moving the Word Study tab to a different tab group leaves the Word Study pane blank (Accordance 14.0.3 on Windows 11).


Before move:



After move:


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  • 3 months later...

The problem that I posted above is still not fixed. Can you notify the developers about it. Thank you. 

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Are you on 14.0.4?

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@ekim37 Does this happen with any other tagged text, like the KJVS? 

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15 hours ago, ekim37 said:

The problem that I posted above is still not fixed. Can you notify the developers about it. Thank you. 

Ekim37. are you still on 14.03... I have a MacBook Pro 14, and on v14.04 and the same search is working fine for me.

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I think Ekim37 might have a corrupted file somewhere. I'd try deleting and reinstalling the ESVS, then creating a new workspace.

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I'm on 14.04 and it does that with ESV KJV NET and every other translations

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I had some weird corruption of my ESV file that couldn't be sorted out via safe-startup or even a complete uninstall/reinstall.

It was eventually resolved by Accordance staff emailing me a suitable file.

Accordance support is pretty good with sorting these kinds of things out through email or phone.

Here's their contact page: <https://www.accordancebible.com/contact-us/>.

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@ekim37 For this issue, follow @Lawrence’s advice and reach out to Tech Support. There seems to be a corrupted file somewhere on your Accordance installation. They can assist with that. Additionally, if they do encounter a reproducible bug, they’ll file the bug report with our programmers. Keep us posted how things go! 

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