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Locked file for a new download

Pastor Jonathan

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I saw the advertisement for the Classic 7 Bundle. 


I downloaded the file, and went to install and what I got was a notice saying that one of the files (Clarke's Commentary) is a locked file and it will not install. Not sure why or any solutions to that. Thanks. 



Screenshot from 2022-12-13 08-07-57.png

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The programmers are aware of the problem. What I did was uninstall version 14 and install version 13. Then all new modules work. After that I reinstalled 14 on top of 13.

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If something is broken, you will save more time contacting tech support rather than orders and sales.  Orders and sales would need to refer you to tech support.  Big difference.   

Tech support ph# is 407-339-0266.  Their e-mail address is: techsupport@accordancebible.com
Office hours are Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Eastern.

If your call goes to voicemail, it will be because they are helping other customers.  Please leave your name and a number you can be reached at and they will call you back as soon as possible.


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