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Hyperlink bugs...


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In tools, my hyperlink default (eg, for scripture refs) is set to display them in Portuguese (ALMEIDA). Any attempt to change this in Settings (Tool Display, Web & Text, etc...) is either unsuccessful (continues to display in ALMEIDA) or results in the program crashing. Attempts to change the settings in the individual tool ("Set Tool Display") are also unsuccessful. It always reverts back to ALMEIDA. 

Anyone else? It's rendering the hyperlink function useless, since I don't read Portuguese, and can't change it to anything else. 



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Hi @scwatkins,

I might be wrong, but I think what you are describing is a symptom of a general bug with preferences ignoring what people set it as. In case it helps at all, attached is the thread coming to my mind. So I think whenever the settings bug is fixed (hopefully soon), it will resolve the issue you are describing.


This is not a solution by any means, but a workaround until this is addressed is perhaps opening your preferred Bible as a parallel and keeping the hyperlink text open. Thus, whenever you click on a verse it will bring up the Portuguese, but it will also show the English at the same time.


I hope this helps some,




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6 minutes ago, Kristin said:

Hi @scwatkins,

I might be wrong, but I think what you are describing is a symptom of a general bug with preferences ignoring what people set it as. In case it helps at all, attached is the thread coming to my mind. So I think whenever the settings bug is fixed (hopefully soon), it will resolve the issue you are describing.


This is not a solution by any means, but a workaround until this is addressed is perhaps opening your preferred Bible as a parallel and keeping the hyperlink text open. Thus, whenever you click on a verse it will bring up the Portuguese, but it will also show the English at the same time.


I hope this helps some,




Yes, thank you! Quite helpful. Also, I didn't realize that 14.0.2 was out, and upgrading seems to have resolved the specific issue that I was encountering. 

Thanks again!! 

Edited by scwatkins
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Yes, this issue was resolved with 14.0.1, and further improvements were made with 14.0.2. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone figure out how to fix this. I have v 14 and the latest update as of today.  And I'm still getting Portuguese in the pane.  

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Have you tried reinstalling v.13, fixing the problem, then either staying with v.13 or reinstalling v.14?

Both versions share the same preference files, and there's anecdotal evidence that fixing things in one version fixes it in the other.

(Oh the other hand, there's also the risk that messing things up in one version messes it up in the other, so make lots of backups.)

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