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14.0.2 Repeatable Crash


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Win 11

When I try to detach a Word Study Tab, I can generate a crash that is repeatable. Log below.

Perhaps related: When I move a Word Study tab to a mixed zone, the results disappear. It's a simple matter of hitting ENTER to regenerate the results.


Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 11:0:44:813 On: 1 of Dec, 2022  Eastern Standard Time

Accordance 14.0.2 (
Windows 10 (10.0.22000)
RAM: 7116MB free of 16126MB total
Disc: 612GB free of 953GB total

Message: Access violation
Address:   $00000000


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same to both here.


Windows 11 v22H2

Accordance v14.0.2

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