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Bugs in Accordance 14

Silas Marrs

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4 minutes ago, Silas Marrs said:

Roy and Joel considered that proprietary information for reasons I don't fully understand.


Hi @Silas Marrs,

This is an ignorant question, but given that you feel it is not proprietary information to say what programs are written in, why do any companies keep this secret?

In any case, thanks again for all your hard work!



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@Kristin "... why do any companies keep this secret?"


Some programming languages are more susceptible to security issues than others.

Some programming languages and combinations of languages can make development go more smoothly, quickly, etc. If they think they've hit on a winning combination, it's prudent not to release that information to competitors.


More generally, though, the software world sits on a spectrum from open source (see the whole code) to Fort Knox (nup, not telling, and not telling why - you're lucky we even let you have the app), and it's not unusual to cluster near one extreme or the other.


One benefit of Silas' open position is that others can help spot problems and suggest solutions, as has already happened with the discussion on JSON.

Edited by Lawrence
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Hi @Lawrence,

Thank you for the explanation, and what you wrote answers my question. :) Yes, I think you are right Silas has a lot on his plate right now, so thank you for jumping in.


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Thank you Silas for your explanation. God bless.


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Hi Silas


I used to cut code myself and can identify with your pain!

Particularly with changes in tools overtime


The biggest common bug for me in v13 and v14 is that check for content updates is broken.

In 14.0.2 I can get contents updated after




in version 14.0.2 it succeeds! and I get a list of updates

but in v13 it hangs on .....


task manager is required to shut down accordance.

If Automatically check for module updates is checked your are in for a world of hurt!




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17 hours ago, Silas Marrs said:


Roy and Joel considered that proprietary information for reasons I don't fully understand.

Accordance is written primarily in Object Pascal, and has been since the 90s.  We currently use the Free Pascal compiler, and we've managed to tweak xcode to work as the IDE on mac.  On Windows, we use the Lazarus IDE. 


Modern Pascal is a great language, comparable to C in speed.  But because our codebase predates our IDEs, we aren't able to use any of the features of a modern IDE that would speed up development.  Like building views in a GUI - we have to do it manually in code.


That sounds like a sweet though major refactoring task for version 15. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun in the (re)architecting.

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I have done a great deal of website programming over the years, with all the different Operating Systems and browsers involved, so I can sympathize with the tremendous complexity surrounding these issues. However, just so you know... When I upgraded to v14 from v13.x.x on my Windows 10 system it caused my Accordance program to lock up completely when I tried to enter a Scripture Reference into the search bar. This happened on multiple consecutive occasions and I shut down (the program and my system) and restarted several times in order to try and remedy the issue, all to no avail. Since v14 was actually unusable, I had to revert to v13. I wish I had time to do more troubleshooting on it so I could give you a better idea of what might be causing it, but I just don't have that kind of time right now. However, I did want you to know that at least some of us are experiencing more serious issues than some of the ones you mentioned in this post. I'm just going to wait awhile for a version that's been more thoroughly tested by others before upgrading again. Thanks for the hard work and the desire to get us those improvements you know we need. I hope it all comes together nicely in the end. 



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Hi Matthew, did you get successfully reverted to Accordance 13? If not, I can put you in touch with support (since I still don’t have those instructions in front of me).

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Unfortunately, I think I am now done with Accordance, I have not enjoyed the experience, it’s way too unreliable, I have tried using it on my Win 11 Pro HP 4TB Raid work station, and it constantly crashes. It also struggles to load my new content/books etc, keeps complaining about remote server issues. I also run this on my MAC, same issues, constantly crashing, corrupt sessions, always having to recover from the last session.

I then tried this on my Win 11 laptop. same issues. I upgraded from 13 to 14. and it’s even worse. I have totally removed the software (Clean Uninstall) and reinstalled. Same issue. Something is dreadfully wrong with the code.

I have other bible SW, and they are rock solid no issues at all.

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53 minutes ago, Nathan Parker said:

Hi Matthew, did you get successfully reverted to Accordance 13? If not, I can put you in touch with support (since I still don’t have those instructions in front of me).

Yes I have. I lost some sessions/workspaces and their customized preferences because I assumed they would be included in my dropbox sync files, but it's not the end of the world. I'm good for now. Thanks for looking. 

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Hi @Robert Atkinson,

I am sorry you have had such a rough experience. When you did the clean install, was that of v.13 or v.14? People have been having a lot of stability issues with v.14, but what you are describing is not indicative of v.13.

I would try completely deleting it and doing a clean install of v.13.


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@Robert Atkinson Sorry to hear about your issues. Feel free to PM me if you keep having issues, and I’ll be glad to try to directly assist you with some stuff or put you in touch with a solid support rep at Accordance who can assist. I want your experience to be more pleasant.

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@Gary Raynor

Hi Gary

I have found that when that box pops up like that - click OK, then click "easy install" and then go back to update. So far it has worked for me every time. Accordance seems to have different issues on different computers. I have not had v 14 crash, but then I am not a power user. The main difference I see in my various computers is how it opens - sometimes off screen.

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