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Library Separators Not There in Accordance 14

Dr. Nathan Parker

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The library separators are not present in Accordance 14 (public release) on an iMac Pro running Ventura. They weren’t in my beta as well. Someone told me there’s a prefs file I can restore from backup to restore them, but I’m not sure which one to restore.



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FWIW I went from Accordance 13.x to 14.0.0, and my library separators were retained.

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It has lost my all library separators and extra folders

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3 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

The library separators are not present in Accordance 14 (public release) on an iMac Pro running Ventura. They weren’t in my beta as well. Someone told me there’s a prefs file I can restore from backup to restore them, but I’m not sure which one to restore.



Hi Nathan


It was my tool library that had lost the separators. I restored it from ~/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences/Tool Library.apref



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I looked again. Separators were retained in my text folders, but not in my tool folders. Also, some were no longer alphabetized as I had them.

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Thank you Steve, I had kept v13 on another MAC and swapped out the V14 made file for the one I had in V13. I am back to happiness again, for I had heavily tweaked the Tools into folders and separate sections.


—Joseph the Almost Grumpy

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4 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

The library separators are not present in Accordance 14 (public release) on an iMac Pro running Ventura. They weren’t in my beta as well. Someone told me there’s a prefs file I can restore from backup to restore them, but I’m not sure which one to restore.





Hi @Nathan Parker


It was me said I was able to restore the separators and my original library ordering using the backup preference files. I copied the following three files from my backup overwriting the ones that where there following moving to Accordance 14.


~/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences/Tool Library.apref

~/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences/Tool Display.apref

~/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences/Tool


I don't know if all three needed to be copied over but I did it just to be sure. If you have separators setup for your texts then you would also need to I suspect copy over the same three "Texts" preference files


While not directly related to your question I was wondering why preference files on my mac install are also to be found in:


~/Library/Application Support/Accordance/Accordance Preferences/


Does anyone know the purpose of this folder?



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Thanks! That did the trick. Kind of sad this didn’t resolve in the public version (for some).


I think one of those folders contains some form of backup or default prefs in case some other prefs files become corrupted. I thought @Mark Allison mentioned it in a webinar I attended a while back (when he worked for Accordance), but I may be getting confused.



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Separators were kept in text portion of Library but lost along with all folders in the tool section of the Library.  


Mac 12.6.1

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