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I/O errors followed by "location of the file has changed" warnings

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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Accordance has lost track of some of my modules, and i'm trying to re-add them.  When trying to add them from the library, I first get an I/O error, am then asked to find in in an open dialog box.  When I do, I get the "Accordance has changed the location of this file" warning.


I've had at least the first part of this issue before, but I'm not remembering how I remedied it.  Does anyone happen to remember?  I know i can contact tech support, but I know last time I needed to they were overloaded with requests, so I thought I'd try here first. 

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  • 3 months later...

I'm getting a similar error. Accordance lost track of my NKJV Translators' Notes file (all the other Translator Notes are still working). The file is still on my hard drive where it always has been, but when I double-click to open it in Accordance, I get the error: "The location of the file “NKJV Notes” has changed (or it has been deleted) since Accordance accessed this file the last time."


Any idea how to re-install this tool?




Accordance 13.3.4 (13.3.4)

MacOS 11.7.1 "Big Sur"



Location has changed - Acc Error.png

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4 minutes ago, OSchrock said:

Any idea how to re-install this tool?


I have tried moving the file to a different location. 

I have also deleted it from my Accordance library and tried re-installing it through EasyInstall, but it says it is already installed.

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16 minutes ago, OSchrock said:

Any idea how to re-install this tool?


Solved my problem:


I had to remove the NKJVS Text from Accordance and re-download it via EasyInstall. The re-installation also re-installed the NKJV Translators' Notes tool.


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