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Only Two Really Hoped-For Improvements in Accordance 14

Daniel L

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1) Fix the bug that causes the I/O Error #0 in the file "Autosaved Session..." popup error. It's been brought up multiple times. Once it starts, it keeps popping up. If I don't click OK on the error box, the next one will crash Accordance. Sometimes it's hard to stop the recurrence; even restarting Accordance may not stop it. After it does go away, rest assured, it will return another day to cause aggravation.


2) Dark Mode in Windows. This was promised for Accordance 13. I'm getting nervous that this hasn't yet been featured in the sneak peeks. Please. The other Windows Bible apps I use have had Dark Mode for years.


The sneak peeks are not so exciting as I suspect that these high-priority/overdue issues have not been fixed. I hope Accordance will prove my suspicions wrong.


Extra) OK, one more. I saw this less important bug again while composing this comment. In Preferences, after typing a word to search for keyboard shortcuts, it goes crazy refreshing the matches indefinitely. It never stops to show the results. This happens about half the times I try. This search feature was a great improvement in 13.x, so it's disappointing that it often doesn't work.

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1) Can you provide one of the autosaved sessions that gives the error message so I can try to get an idea what might be causing it?


2) I don't want to spoil the surprise.

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@Silas Marrs As the one who reported it in the above post, I haven't seen it in a while, but it occurs randomly; there's no predicting it. It'd be awesome if it's gone forever.

Here's another report:

A much bigger issue is the Easy Install/Check for Updates modal bugging out (also reported several times; see below). If this is fixed, I'll be ecstatic!


Edited by Andrew Patterson
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