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Can't Read User Notes After New Installation

Martin Z

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I keep my Accordance Files on Dropbox.

Recently, I got a new Mac and installed Accordance on this Mac. I choose the Dropbox folder as my Accordance Files folder. Everything seems go well. But my settings are not all brought over.


  • The first thing to notice is that the text display settings are all the default ones. 
  • workspaces do not show up. But after double clicking each of the workspaces that I saved in the Dropbox Accordance Files folder, Accordance automatically added them, which is great.
  • the most problematic issue is the User Notes. They do not automatically show up either. I double clicked each of them, but the User Notes are all blank. They do not show any notes. Accordance would also auto delete them after a restart. I can still find them in the "Old User Notes" folder. How can I import them to the new Mac?


(The Hightlight files appear to have been automatically brought over to the new Mac.)




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Hi @Martin Z,

I am sorry this happened. I was hoping someone else would respond, as I am frankly not a fan of Dropbox after it caused me syncing issues between Accordance on my Mac and iPad. It was bad enough I actually don't use Accordance on the iPad or with Dropbox anymore.


That stated, if you are gong from a Mac to a Mac, you can just bring everything over from TimeMachine. I admit I typically just let it do it automatically when I get a new computer, but you can also do a manual migration with TimeMachine.


If you are not using TimeMachine for whatever reason, you can also bring Accordance files over using a flash. Just make sure that on the new computer if you are dragging files from a flash to the Accordance folders, make sure the actual Accordance program is shut.


Also, actually, before you drag over the Notes from a flash from the old Mac, I would delete the Note files in the Accordance file on the new computer. You can always get them from the trash if you need them, but that seems doubtful if they are empty. I would suggest this since if you drag over a Note with the same name it might cause confusion. I would suspect the system would ask you if you want to replace the file, but you are likely better off with the empty note note even being there.


I hope this helps some.


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Thanks, @Kristin.

The new Mac is an M1 and the old Mac is an Intel. I don't want to mess up by using Time Machine. One case is that Homebrew installs files on a different location on the M1 Macs. Also, I wanted a "clean" installation with the new Mac. Who knows that I might have had some unwanted malicious softwares installed on the old Mac.


I think moving files with a flash drive and downloading files from Dropbox should not make any differences with regard to reinstallation. There must be something else going on. I hope it's not a bug. If it was a bug, it must be fixed.

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Hi @Martin Z,

I actually did TimeMachine from an Intel Mac to an M1 Mac without any issues, but I totally understand wanting to do a clean install.


You are probably correct that Dropbox or flash should not matter. I just personally had a really bad experience with losing Accordance data through Dropbox, while I have imported Accordance from a flash without an issue. I don't think the issue with Dropbox was "storage" per se, but I think something happened in the actual syncing process. I don't really know what happened though.

Hopefully someone from Tech Support can chime in.



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Hi @Kristin, thanks for sharing your experience. That's great!


Yes. I can imagine that most apps won't cause any issue. But in additional to what I have mentioned above, some apps have M1 versions, although the Intel versions should work just fine via Rosetta. 

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Billy from Accordance Tech Support has helped me solve the problem.


The problem was with Dropbox.

I moved the entire Accordance Files folder to Dropbox. This was the root of the problem. Billy advised me to move the folder back to the Documents folder, Opt-Start Accordance to remove some startup cashes. Now, everything works great!


Billy also told me that the correct way to sync users files is to use the Dropbox sync function within Accordance, set up in the Preference settings.


Hope it helps with others who may encounter similar issues.

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