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Get the Concordia Commentary Series to Accordance

Tobias Lien

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Accordance is a great program for us theological students and pastors, and I like it a lot. However, I see that the competitor "Logos" has acquired the Concordia Commentary Series in their program (See: [REDACTED]). This is a commentary series that has become very popular this past few years and has received a lot of good critique.


One problem is that the books are too big and heavy to bring with you when you travel away from the office or home. And another is that there is a large supply shortage of paper these days and I suspect that may have impacted the production of these books as well. For most copies in the series seems to be very much sold out in many places (at least in places which are close to or have reasonable shipping options to Norway).


I think it would be fantastic if it was possible to acquire it in the accordance program.


Feel free to add your opinion on it


Best regards


Edited by R. Mansfield
Link to competitor's website.
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Tobias, welcome to the Accordance Forums. I've mildly redacted your post above because it linked to a competitor's website. Not a huge deal. You're new here and probably didn't know! Be certain to check out the guidelines, though, when you get a chance 🙂 

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Tobias, I don't think the problem is on Accordance's end. You would do better to email Concordia and express your interest to buy their product, but you don't want it in the current form they have available. Concordia is not a huge publishing company. They cannot afford to make decisions that they can't make money on. I think the problem is that their leadership thought their current arrangement was a good one and I don't believe it is. But I'm not a publisher and I can't see the reason why they did what they did. The only way to shake it up is to make it clear to them that there would be sales if they chose to release it with Accordance. If enough of those come, I think their position might change, but who knows....

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Here's a recent post suggesting there may be fresh hope for seeing CPH titles in Accordance:



In light of that post, and as suggested above, now might be a good time to contact CPH and politely asking them to revisit their digital licensing policy to include Accordance in their sales model. From my own perspective, there are many CPH titles I would prioritize to purchase if they were available in Accordance.

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