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Marriage Notes


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I came across a set of Marriage notes from when I got married over 33 years ago. These were provided to my wife and I by the Pastor from "CRC Churches International" at the time. These are in Microsoft Word format. If anyone is interested in them I can try uploading them to the Accordance Exchange?


These notes certainly make for some interesting reading and I actually wonder if they'd even be legal in some places these days, not conforming to the World's latest reprobate minds. One would think even the latest discoveries aside, God has clearly outline expectations for us, yet even the Churches continue to split over issues I never expected to be disputable. I therefore wonder how much opinions have changed in the Churches regarding the interpretations about Marriage and Apostle Paul's teachings presented in the below material.


Thankfully, Jesus Christ does not change :)










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Diatheke76 at yahoo dot com if you can share it there. It’s my email.  Looks great 👍 

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@Diatheke76 I have emailed a copy to you. Hopefully anti-virus scans will not block it (Word format and concerns for "potential" macro) coming through. If so I will upload to the Accordance Exchange, but that process may need approval first.



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These notes remind me of two pieces of advice I was given back then:

  1. Marry someone you can't live without, not that you can live with
  2. Never go to bed angry, resolve any conflict first


I also strongly remember as a caution what T.V. Moore said:

"She whom you thus wronged was the companion of those earlier and brighter days, when in the bloom of her young beauty she left her father's house and shared your early struggles, and rejoiced in your later success; who walked arm in arm with you along the pilgrimage of life, cheering you in its trials by her gentle ministry; and now, when the bloom of her youth has faded and the friends of her youth have gone, when father and mother whom she left for you are in the grave, then you cruelly cast her off as a worn-out, worthless thing, and insult her holiest affections by putting an idolater and a heathen in her place."




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To alleviate any copyright concerns, I do not believe this material has any. My wife and I collated and then compiled this material provided to us at the time. My wife manually typed all the printed and hand written only notes into a very early version of Microsoft Word and I arranged and formatted it. I believe the next Church we attended actually posted sections of it on their website (I built it for them) that is available to the public. Thirty years ago, a Pastor copyrighting printed and hand written material in Australia (where this all came from) was not readily identified or advertised. I mentioned the CRC affiliation so people had context from where the material was collated from.



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I found the hard-copy originals. Some of the material is listed as "Copyright 1979 Ray Mossholder Ministries Inc". I found the book list and posted below a picture.



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I world like to request a copy as well. My email is sacha at zemp dot email 

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@Sacha I have emailed those to you now.

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If there is enough interest and people here woulds like to contribute to the Notes, I will convert them to an Accordance Notes file everyone can import. Because the notes are 30+ years old, I dare say opportunity is here to improve upon them. However, they are reasonably laid out and could be useful.


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I found the ministry listed as content owner for some of these marriage notes has since been dissolved.




I then attempted to look up the Author and found his end moral state was contrary to what he wrote.


This reminds me of a quote God's Riches At Christ's Expense (GRACE) and that we don't look to people we look to Jesus.



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I am interested in seeing this in an Accordance Notes file. 

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5 hours ago, cschfr21 said:

I am interested in seeing this in an Accordance Notes file. 

I imported them into a new My Tool. Looking at the result, these will take some work to clean up.


Therefore, I prefer to email them to people for now and might work on the imported copy over time if it proves useful enough. There is room to enhance the text and this would be worth doing before expending the effort to complete the Tool. Converting this material looks to be a long term project once started and I am hesitating on starting that without more interest and possible collaboration. I have imported an ePub book I purchased once and it was a lot of hours work.


If people contact me with an email in the private chat I will happily send a copy; several people have already done so.


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4 hours ago, cweber said:

I imported them into a new My Tool. Looking at the result, these will take some work to clean up.


Therefore, I prefer to email them to people for now and might work on the imported copy over time if it proves useful enough. There is room to enhance the text and this would be worth doing before expending the effort to complete the Tool. Converting this material looks to be a long term project once started and I am hesitating on starting that without more interest and possible collaboration. I have imported an ePub book I purchased once and it was a lot of hours work.


If people contact me with an email in the private chat I will happily send a copy; several people have already done so.


Message sent!

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On 10/5/2022 at 6:33 PM, cweber said:

I found the ministry listed as content owner for some of these marriage notes has since been dissolved.




I then attempted to look up the Author and found his end moral state was contrary to what he wrote.


This reminds me of a quote God's Riches At Christ's Expense (GRACE) and that we don't look to people we look to Jesus.



I don’t mean to make light of the harm he caused his wife and others through his actions, but perhaps his “A husband must be treated with passionate response and looks at sex as Conquest” was a clue to those students with “ears to hear.” I know these forums are not for discussing theology, but I have problem with that false and dangerous statement of his going unaddressed. Theology has implications….

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I'm not just saying this, but I am glad I am not the only one who saw that and was honestly horrified. I tend to avoid critiquing as I am not an academic or in a position of Pastoral care etc. I am only too happy for concerns to be highlighted and never would suggest that material is all correct. I also hope we do not accept everything we read in Accordance as absolute truth, there is only the one source being the Bible and even then translations can be rather diverse.


These notes were provided to my wife and I during marriage counseling all those many years ago, as a prerequisite to being married in that particular church and by our Pastor at the time. I have operated on an assumption people receiving a copy do their due diligence. I do think the topics covered offer a possible starting point for discussion and I also found some of the commentary fly's in the face of the current age; some rightly so and as Abram points out, other comments do not.



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This appears to be a good document to give my son to read.    Could you send it to skclark17  at  aim  dot  com?


Thank you for providing this!!

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