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Accordance Software disappeared off my laptop after Accordance update


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I was using my Accordance Software when the update splash screen popped up.  I clicked ok for update. A few minutes later the entire software program was gone.  I went to the original email I sent to me after I purchased the software.  Followed the instructions,  I clicked the application icon it did nothing.  I went to the website for help, no one is available.  I need and want my software back on my laptop.  I've had it less than a month.  How do I get my software back?

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Hi @sholmes719,

I am sorry to hear that happened. Everyone at Accordance in both tech and sales is really helpful, but there may be a delay given that it is the weekend. I can just offer a few ideas in the meantime.


First, I would actually go to the Trash on your computer. When a program is purposefully deleted on a Mac, the computer sends it to the Trash and you can click "Restore."

If it is not there, I would try downloading it again from the website. If the program is on your computer it will ask you if you want to keep both copies, and I would personally say "yes."

I would also check to see if your files are there by going to Documents --> Accordance Files. That would be diagnostic anyway. I would personally move the file somewhere else temporarily before downloading anything if you have notes and highlights.

Hopefully someone more techy then me can respond, but I know staff can help after the weekend if nothing else.



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Try following Kristin’s advice and re-download it from the Accordance website. That should get you back online. if not, call Support in the morning. They can help (Billy is REALLY good, so is Ryan).

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