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"Within" search doesn't work for Scope = book or chapter, with a "[Range]"

Jon Ball

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I am trying to search for two terms within a few verses of one another, but the "scope" function seems to be broken—although I'm probably doing something wrong.


For example, if I search with scope = book

  •   [RANGE Acts] forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save*[RANGE acts] forgive* <AND> save*

I know that Acts 2:38–40 should come up (2:38 comes up for "[RANGE acts] forgive*" and 2:40 comes up for "[RANGE acts] save*"). But I get a dialogue saying

  • There are no verses in the current range of the “NRSV with Strong’s” text, which fit the current search entry.


Interestingly, if I eliminate [RANGE Acts] then it works fine—I get 28 hits in the Bible, including the Acts 2 passage.


Thanks for any help on this!


Accordance 13.3.3 (13.3.3)
MacOS 11.2.3

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@Jon Ball, I'm not sure if I fully understand your original search expression, but on the Windows version of Accordance 13.3.3, setting the scope to Book and doing a Words search in the NRSV with Strong's using the expression (forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save*) <AND> [RANGE acts] produces two hits: Acts 2:38, 40.


(I made the above search expression more verbose so that it was easier for me to see how the individual search commands are related. The less verbose expression forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save* [RANGE acts] seems to work just as well.)

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@Steven S, thanks for the reply! Looks like I accidentally pasted two of my different searches together to make a very confusing post. 🙄😁


Here's what it was supposed to be: [RANGE Acts] forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save*


Your final search expression forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save* [RANGE acts] works great for me. The only difference is putting the [RANGE acts] at the end, which I have never tried before. I think it should work either way, but at least I can use it this way.


Thank you!

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8 hours ago, Jon Ball said:

Here's what it was supposed to be: [RANGE Acts] forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save*


Indeed, I can confirm that I also get no hits with that expression on Windows. However, if I explicitly define the order of operations using the expression [RANGE acts] <AND> (forgive* <WITHIN 60 Words> save*), I get the two hits in Acts 2 once again.


I suspect the default order of precedence in the implicit version is causing Accordance to interpret it along the lines of ([RANGE acts] <AND> forgive*) <WITHIN 60 Words> save*. But, honestly, I don't understand why that doesn't work because the first subexpression, ([RANGE acts] <AND> forgive*), returns a list of verses that includes Acts 2:38, so I'd assume when that list is used as an argument to the WITHIN command, it would produce the original two hits in Acts 2. We'd probably need someone from Accordance who's familiar with the search implementation to explain how this particular expression is actually being evaluated. :)


(I just thought of something, though. While the first subexpression returns a list of verses, it probably lost the context of what you were originally searching for, namely forgive*. So when this list, minus the search term, is passed to WITHIN, it's like asking it to find "nothing" within 60 words of save*, and so returns an empty result. That's probably not what's really going on, but it's just a guess as to how that expression is evaluated.)

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