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How to remove not needed resources like German bibles, Korean bibles, etc.


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Is there a way to remove resources that I'm not going to be using so they don't take up hard drive space?




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Hi @chriso0258,

In the Accordance program open the Library on the top left of the page. Find the specific resource you want, right click it, and press "Remove Item."  A pop up will ask you if you are sure, as this will move it to the trash. Keep in mind that it really does move it to the trash, so if the ultimate goal is to free up space, be sure to empty the trash.


If it were me, I would personally keep a list of all the resources you are deleting in case you would ever want to re-download them.


I hope this helps,


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Also, once you have removed an item for your library, it will show up in Easy Install again. Check the box to the left of the title, and from the action (gear) icon, select "Hide Selected Items" so that you won't see it when you go to Easy Install in the future.



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