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Where is Youngs Literal Translation


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Hi @chriso0258. According to the Collections Comparison page, the Basic Starter collection, which is what you download to evaluate Accordance for 90 days, only includes the following English Bibles:


  • ESV with Strong's
  • American Standard Version
  • Bible in Basic English
  • Douay-Rheims Bible
  • KJV Apocrypha
  • KJV with Strong's
  • World English Bible


The "Basic Group" you mentioned above (specifically Basic Group [v. 11]), which does include Young's Literal Translation, is not the same thing as the Basic Starter collection. Therefore, unless I'm mistaken, you would need to, at a minimum, purchase Basic Group (v. 11) in order to get YLT into Accordance.

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It doesnt show up on the ylt product page but the basic group (v11) is also included in the English learner collection which has even more resources and the larger packages are very cost effective, particularly as they go on sale relatively frequently so you can really get a bargain. 


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1 hour ago, R. Mansfield said:

We've now retitled the Basic Group to Basic Group Add-on based on this discussion.

Are you also going to include english learner collection in the where to find section on the ytl page?

Edited by ukfraser
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Thanks, doing a bit more digging, Its interesting that for some items the where to find section seems to list lots of old collections which are no longer available but not the current main collections but only the smaller add ons. Where as in other instances like the JPS Commentary on the Haggadah, the item is seen in all of the groups so im not 100% sure what the purpose of that section on the web page is for.

Edited by ukfraser
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