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Possible to use symbolic links to tools and texts between Windows and Mac partitions

Ron Webber

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Is it possible to use symbolic links (or aliases) to connect my Windows version of Accordance to my Accordance Modules directory in the Mac environment?

Maybe a bit technical but my Accordance Modules folder is 41.5 GB and I'd rather not install it in both the Mac and Windows environments. I am using VMWare's Fusion Player to run a windows environment and require both Windows and Mac for Accordance training purposes in our ministry. I prefer the Mac environoment and always use it for personal purposes.


This one is for the geeks amongst us  ;) Thank you. Ron Webber

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Actually ... it does work across the drives using a soft symbolic link referencing the texts and tools folders on the Mac drive with a link to the folder that replaces each on the windows drive. And it saves me 41 GB of space since I don't have to duplicate the user files for both environments. 

Edited by Ronald Webber
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Another update ... the symbolic link works flawlessly with texts. The issue exists with tools which, although they are accessible and can be opened, do not filter into proper categories (lexicons, commentaries, etc) nor is their directory information saved after a program shut down. I can create a workspace to "hold" the file location for the next reopen, but all of this is pretty inconvenient. Might just buy a larger hard drive ;)

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