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Accordance 14 this year?

Curtis Greenwood

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Are there any hints that V 14 will be released this year? Or is that a false hope...? 


Waiting anxiously... :)

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I certainly share your anxiety 



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9 hours ago, R. Mansfield said:



I really hope that you will first test version 14 before releasing it. 


Version 13 was full of many bugs when you released it, and I am still waiting for many of them to be corrected on version 14.


Hope you make good progress,



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or let's wait for 15. then hopefully the bugs of 13 are fixed.....

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Nah... I’d rather see v 14 released as soon as possible….

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10 hours ago, Anonymous said:


I really hope that you will first test version 14 before releasing it. 


Version 13 was full of many bugs when you released it, and I am still waiting for many of them to be corrected on version 14.


We always test. Always have. We never just release something and say, "Hope this works!" We have a number of beta testers, but probably not enough. In any beta testing group, you have some individuals who never file reports but just want to get the "new" software early. I want to assume that most of our testers aren't like this. However, when we do begin an external test of v. 14, release candidates will only be as good as what has been shaped by ourselves and the testers.

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Let me add to the above, I'm not seeking to add blame for our bugs on our beta testers. The buck stops with us, clearly. However, my response above applies to the issue of testing as reflected in the quoted content.

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I am a beta tester and I wear out highlighting, syncing and anything else I can find. Looking forward to 14.



Edited by rcdeacon
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I was working in the software business, there is not one software without bugs. That is simply not possible. And testers cannot find all bugs. What is more challenging is tracing the bugs and give them a heavy blow.


If I will buy 14 is another question and depending on other issues (not bugs) which I will not discuss here.

Edited by markusvonkaenel
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I for one, love helping Accordance find bugs to squash as a beta tester.

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Anonymous: "I really hope that you will first test…"

Mansfield: "We always test…"


Dude, you seriously shouldn't feel a need to respond to a nasty (and absurd) swipe, especially from someone anonymous.

Of course this software company tests. And for that matter, of course they pursue products and contracts, etc.

I've lost tolerance for the senseless negativity from a couple folks on this forum.


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2 hours ago, Joe Weaks said:

I've lost tolerance for the senseless negativity from a couple folks on this forum.



Drizzle, drazzle, druzzle, drone. It's probably time for those ones to go home, possibly by forum removal. 

(with apologies to Mr Wizard)

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11 hours ago, R. Mansfield said:

We always test. Always have. We never just release something and say, "Hope this works!" We have a number of beta testers, but probably not enough.


My experience over the years is that the Windows version often has many bugs that are not in the Mac. version. Even with things that are being advertised with videos on your website sometimes don't work for Windows.


I would be happy to help you find bugs in in-depth Hebrew and Greek searches in OT studies.



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11 hours ago, Joe Weaks said:

senseless negativity

I would say that complaints are sometimes tactless or overbearing, but rarely "senseless." I think that's an important distinction.


It indeed often appears that testing and quality control are severely lacking. Accordance is a large project, and its development is like a truck running with three flat tires, the app running on the fumes of great past work. (It still does fast searches!) OakTree needs to make a huge investment in new development talent to get them where they need to be, IMO. I'd like to see them move to Agile Development practices. Based on release frequency, one could think that Acc. were a dead/dying app.


Accordance is, by far, the slowest and buggiest app I have on Windows and the buggiest on Android. I've recently installed Acc. on a Samsung NVMe M.2 SSD, which means it should be lightning fast, but it's still surprisingly sluggish starting up, considering the advanced hardware. Windows does a complete cold boot in about the same time as starting Accordance!


It feels like Accordance is always in a beta testing stage, or worse. I know it can't be the case, but it really does seem like the developers don't actually use Acc. themselves ‒ at least not the Windows version. "How could they not see all these problems?!" I think to myself. And I am not doing a lot of sophisticated things. There are so many bugs and crashes that I feel like it's hopeless to bother reporting them. "Do they care?" I wonder. "Did they test this at all?" "Would they pay me to be an employee?"


I do accept Rick's assurance that they test, but I don't know how to avoid concluding that their testing methods have glaring deficiencies across the board.


I say the following in complete seriousness, with no exaggeration: It sometimes appears that the text tagging was done by someone who was drunk or was fighting to stay awake. Or just really couldn't have cared less if it were done correctly. (Disclaimer: I know a little Hebrew and even less Greek, so I could be a little off. But others have pointed to this, too. Also, I have never been drunk.)


It is disappointing and demoralizing to see so many folks on the forums always circling the wagons to defend poor performance. I see people reacting and emoting rather than thinking. I think too many people on here are living in denial about OakTree's apparent systemic problems/deficiencies. It is not virtuous or beneficial to defend dysfunction. Our main objective here should not be trying to protect employees' feelings. They are adults; they can handle themselves. They need to admit to themselves whatever the real organizational problems are ‒ which, admittedly, we on the outside cannot clearly or thoroughly diagnose ‒ and work to fix them.


Frankly, this behavior of customers trying to shame or silence(!) other customers whom they fear might hurt the feelings of employees while pushing to solve problems is bizarre, immature, and counterproductive. I haven't seen this with any other software project.


The constant defensiveness here is a cancer that attacks healthy development and that excuses repairs that need to be made ‒ to the software and probably to the company, as well. It ensures that Accordance will always be a very distant second place to the competitor. You folks want all the extra good stuff that their customers have? Keep up this attitude, and you'll never get it. Acc.'s market is too small to have as much appeal to publishers. You're reaping what you have sown.


Solution: Plan BIG. Expect BIG. Demand EXCELLENCE. And it is a race. Our days are numbered.... The threats against that number are increasing by the week, but that's a subject for a different discussion.

Edited by Daniel L
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11 hours ago, Joe Weaks said:

Anonymous: "I really hope that you will first test…"

Mansfield: "We always test…"


Dude, you seriously shouldn't feel a need to respond to a nasty (and absurd) swipe, especially from someone anonymous.

Of course this software company tests. And for that matter, of course they pursue products and contracts, etc.

I've lost tolerance for the senseless negativity from a couple folks on this forum.


I hadn't understand Anonymous so negatively. As he thought Accordance 14 will not be tested. I understand him more in the way, he would like to have a Version 14 which is tested, PLUS it comes with fixes for older bugs which are still in the application. I would like to see this too. But I wrote this before: I guess Accordance 14 will come out tested as good as its get. And AFTER the release Accordance will start a bug hunting for the older ones. I don't expect fixed for the older once in 14.0 except it tanging a new feature.


As I said I would love if Accordance after the release of 14, fixes older bugs. I demand for it.

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Daniel L brought my thoughts exactly to the point. I was not planning to say that. But It looks like a neglected software and a company with no sharp vision too.  Nobody can survive with sales. 

Therefore, and also as I reached my target concerning Hebrew, I can say with a happy heart, let's see what the future of accordance looks like. BTW: Accordance was as huge help to learn and read the Tanach in Hebrew. 

But invest in a SW upgrade or BHQ Leviticus is definitively not in scope. The road looks very unstable.

Ungrateful? No I don't think so but telling a bit about my personal truth. And eventually help the Accordance crew to get some truth for themselves.


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I recognize the frustration when your software doesn't meet your expectations. I have used the competitor since version X when there were disks. and Accordance since version 9.  Should I mention the version 4 debacle with the competitor? Yikes.  I also remember the time when there was like 2 days of inability to use the "cloud based" competitor because their backup server failed. 


 Accordance remains, in my view, the superior software in terms of it's consistent execution, speed, user interface and customer service experience overall.   I don't open up the competitor to run a search because I don't want the fan on my machine (mac or pc) to run. I keep Accordance open all the time and never hear the fan.  


I can point to resources Accordance had available that took over a decade for the competitor to get.  The search commands, short-cuts, and capacity for keeping multiple workspaces open (timelines, maps, study Bibles, info pane, commentaries, dictionaries, etc.) and it doesn't slow down.  I ALWAYS have had to be careful with the competitor before it would need to be restarted.


Upgrades.....I have ALWAYS appreciated Accordance having a LOW COST version upgrade.  Many times, as in version 12 there was an amazing difference in features for the same LOW COST.


As you all know....the competitor, aggressively monetizes upgrades and parses out features by levels.  


If your budget is enough to pay for that, always buy the fastest processor every six mos. with the most amount of ram, then may you be blessed to enjoy the competitor, while your machine indexes.


I'll take Accordance with bugs while looking forward to a LOW COST upgrade over the competitor any day.  (and I have for over 11 years)

Edited by Dan Langston
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I read these forums daily because I enjoy Accordance and use it daily.  It's important to me.  It has lots of issues.  I've spoken of those issues numerous times on these forums (check my posts).  There is no issue with speaking to the issues in the software.


The problem is doing to so in accusatory manner with ad hominem attacks and vicious rhetoric. 


To quote another person on this thread: "It is disappointing and demoralizing to see so many folks on the forums always circling the wagons to defend poor performance."  I've never seen that – but I have seen folks circling the wagons to defend people from treatment that is dehumanizing.    And maybe the reason you see people resisting bad behavior here speaks to the hearts of the people versus other forums.


I've gotten so sick and tired of the constant attacks by a number of individuals in these forums that I've almost decided not to visit them anymore — but I'm tired of running from bad behavior and bullies.   In these forums, you should treat people right, or you should leave.  If that is considered "silencing" someone, then I'm ok with it.  I've had to deal with bullies all my life, and I certainly don't have to stand by and watch it happen here.

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Good points made from both viewpoints. Personally, I prefer Accordance over the competitor in terms of the software itself. However, when it comes to producing resources for Accordance, I am sometimes stunned at at slow of a process it can be. I am also not convinced that Accordance is cheaper.... If one wants to grow a library, it is hard to beat the incredible deals the competitor offers when it comes to upgrading new packages, not to mention the several free (and solid) books they dish out all the time. I compare prices a lot between the two, and when I simply look at how many resources (and good ones) you get when purchasing additional packages with the competitor; for the price that is being paid, I find it hard to believe that Accordance is cheaper. 


So while Accordance may be a little cheaper on many of the items, when the package upgrades of the competitor are brought into consideration, it's a whole other story! 


For me, I personally would prefer the prices and vast library of the competitor and I do not intend for that to be received as an incendiary remark at all. I understand both companies are different and have their pros and cons.


Like I said, I am grateful for Accordance and love the speed and functionality of the software. It serves my purposes well. My only complaint is that I find it to be slow when it comes to releasing resources and just 'getting things going,' if you know what I mean.... 

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16 hours ago, Daniel L said:

It feels like Accordance is always in a beta testing stage, or worse. I know it can't be the case, but it really does seem like the developers don't actually use Acc. themselves ‒ at least not the Windows version.


I almost agree. Accordance is excellent, but never as good as promised for Windows. It seems the mac version works good on all the demo videos, but very often the same features do not word on Windows. I'm not against Accordance, but I think they must make a list with all the bugs and problems and have that displayed on their main website. Then tick them off as they get fixed. This way people will know what to expect and what features do not work yet. 

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I lament for those of you for whom a persistent bug is part of your workflow. I genuinely hate that for you. I can't recall the last time I encountered a bug of consequence.


I have no idea about the "circle of wagons" comment. My comment upstream was the first time I've ever posted anything of the sort, and I didn't intend as a defense of the company, but rather a (probably immature) shot at about three people on the forums who just won't stop with the negative posts.

I would not encourage blind defensiveness either. If you have requests, etc. send them the feedback for sure. But posting continuous negativity in the public forums does not come from wanting the company to hear your feedback. It's something else.

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Amen and amen Joe.



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