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Update: Accordance for iOS v. 3.3.0


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Now available for download from the App Store on your iOS device!


3.3.0 Features

  • New Search Modes in Text Modules. Based on the loaded module, users can now choose Hebrew Literal, Flex, and Pericope Title searches.
  • Added “Override Key Number Dictionaries” Amplify setting to Settings > Amplify. First row is a switch to override Key Number dictionaries that allows the user to specify the Tool for Greek and Hebrew Key Number amplification.
  • Added Text Display options to Show/Hide Book Titles and Section Headings.
  • Accordance will support all of the latest modules.
  • Added option to Settings > Instant Details to also show Instant Details with a single tap on a word in a Text module. 
    • When this option is turned ON:
      • The tap and hold Instant Details gesture is still supported. 
      • Tapping on a word will present Instant Details if available and update the blue cross highlighting selection rectangles.
      • Tapping on a word without Instant Details available will update the grey selection rectangle (like footnotes, verse references, etc)
      • Tap on a header bar, text whitespace, or Re-Tap on the selected word to toggle the interface.
      • Will not change Instant Details behavior in Tools, User Modules, etc.

3.3.0 Changes

  • Support [Style *] search in Tools.
  • Localized certain Alerts that could be presented in various Audio, Photo Library, and Dropbox interactions.
  • Minimum System version is now iOS11 and only ARM64 architectures are supported.

3.2.x Fixes

  • HCSB Bullet footnote lookup was not choosing the correct word.
  • Invalid display of Papers/Paper Folders in Library/Module picker views.
  • When certain modules would install correctly but would still appear in Easy Install as uninstalled.
  • Possible crash when the Library attempts to handle a background update of iCloud bookmarks. 
  • Possible crash after tapping certain internal Tool links.
  • Crash after a user authorizes Photo Library access and Accordance tries to present the photo picker.
  • Crash when installing Syntax modules. 
  • Crash when trying to add a bookmark to certain views (e.g. Devotional view).
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and dont forget to add a reveiw on the app store after you have updated this app. 


Edited by ukfraser
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Thank you for everything, especially the option to Show/Hide Book Titles and Section Headings.

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