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Different URL scheme for LSB Accordance


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I love that the LSB allows me to basically have two accordance windows open side by side. But, my workflow now includes using Accordnce’s url scheme to open up passages of Scripture. But, the LSB uses the same url scheme. So, the passages open in LSB, not Accordance. Not a HUGE deal, but I want to be able to open either app based on different url schemes. I would suggest simply having the LSB version be accord-lsb: . I don’t know what your build process is for LSB Accordance, but the code change required is super minimal. I mean, since you already have mechanisms in place to have a different load screen.

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Why do you use both apps? You have an Accordance account, just make sure it has the LSB in it.

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13 hours ago, dandennison said:

Why do you use both apps? You have an Accordance account, just make sure it has the LSB in it.


Having both apps open allows me to research two different things at the same time. It’s almost like having multi-window support on iPad but with two apps instead of one. I honestly don’t use the LSB (shhhh, don’t tell) but just use the app for this purpose. For example, I often have a commentary, background resource, etc. open in one app while having my passage open in the other app.


I want to use Accordance for working with the text and the LSB for opening extra resources. I have an app that will open up a particular passage of scripture in Accordance (or select other bible apps) using the URL scheme. I want it to open the passage in Accordance not LSB. Since I installed LSB most recently, LSB opens when the URL is called. This would also happen if using a shortcut to open a passage of scripture.

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perhaps uninstall Accordance and re-install it ...

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47 minutes ago, Joe said:


Having both apps open allows me to research two different things at the same time. It’s almost like having multi-window support on iPad but with two apps instead of one. I honestly don’t use the LSB (shhhh, don’t tell) but just use the app for this purpose. For example, I often have a commentary, background resource, etc. open in one app while having my passage open in the other app.


I want to use Accordance for working with the text and the LSB for opening extra resources. I have an app that will open up a particular passage of scripture in Accordance (or select other bible apps) using the URL scheme. I want it to open the passage in Accordance not LSB. Since I installed LSB most recently, LSB opens when the URL is called. This would also happen if using a shortcut to open a passage of scripture.


That's exactly how I've been using the LSB app. BTW it behaves similarly to the problem you described when clicking on a widget. In a post on this some time ago, someone made the comment that, because the LSB app was the more recently installed one, clicking on the widget defaults to it. The solution would be uninstalling the Accordance app and reinstalling it, as Tim said. Having said that, I really haven't felt like going through the hassle of a new install. So I bear with it, until the next fantastic update of the Accordance iOS comes out, with the possibility of multi screens. That would make the LSB app redundant. 😃

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4 hours ago, Tim Hall said:

perhaps uninstall Accordance and re-install it ...

I tried that, but I found that URLs still opened the LSB app instead of Avoidance. I’m not sure how iOS decides which app should open the URL.

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not an ios user here, but I usually install two copies of accordance on my phone for reasons mentioned above.

I found this article for ios https://www.geekword.net/best-ios-app-cloner-to-duplicate-apps-iphone not sure if that has been tried or not, but it looks like there is some ways to get multiple copies of one app onto ios. Maybe others have experience with that.

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FWIW, allowing multiple windows in mobile versions of Accordance is very high on our features list.

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26 minutes ago, Mark Allison said:

FWIW, allowing multiple windows in mobile versions of Accordance is very high on our features list.

Yes pleas top e-sword HD.

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2 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

FWIW, allowing multiple windows in mobile versions of Accordance is very high on our features list.


FANTASTIC!!! Many thanks to the developers for this. Any ETA? Like, tomorrow, for instance? 😃 

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On 3/22/2022 at 6:09 AM, Mark Allison said:

FWIW, allowing multiple windows in mobile versions of Accordance is very high on our features list.


This is good to hear.


I still suggest having a different URL scheme for LSB since it lives on the App Store as a different app. I’m probably the one guy using URL schemes while having both apps installed. At the moment I am using the TestFlight version of Accordance and am happy that LSB open instead. But, if LSB was not opening up with the URL scheme I would like to be able to trigger it from my app with LSB’s own url scheme. I’m surprised, but not really, that the LSB was not rejected in the review process for having the same URL scheme as another app.


Since someone brought up e-Sword, I am glad that I can send multiple passages to Accordance in a single search query and it will handle it like a boss and give me the passages I search for. Other apps will just open the Bible to the first passage it receives or just does not handle the request well. I only tested this against e-Sword, Logos, and Olive Tree, so not exhaustive, but am still thankful for the power that Accordance for iOS has, despite having limitations imposed by how Apple first architected iOS / iPadOS.

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