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Strange behavior of Accordance


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Strange things have been happening with my Accordance program for a while now.
1. When starting Accordance I have to log in every time. Then the program crashed. If I then restarted Accordance it worked. But after a few times I got the message that I can only activate a new installation of Accordance once.
2. When I view easy install, I see a lot of items there as not yet installed, while they are already installed. (it is not about updates).
What is going wrong, and more importantly what can I do about it?

Can some one please help before I throw my MBP out the window?  🤨

Schermafbeelding 2022-02-28 om 15.26.42.png

Schermafbeelding 2022-03-03 om 07.41.27.png

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As for the activation warning, you will want to reach out to Accordance and have them reset your installation count and that should clear that up (from what I recall, this error happens when the installation limit has been exceeded). I am not sure what's going on with Easy Install though.

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Oké fine I'll contact Accordance about the reset.
But I'm afraid that I'll be at the limit again in no time because the program again and again asks to validate at start.

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Klein, while you're in contact with support about resetting your activations, ask them about the login issue--which should not be happening and is probably causing the other issue.

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