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combined texts with user bibles


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I have two questions regarding combined parallel Bibles.


1) I see how you can manage them, but I do not see how to add them. There is this box to type, but it is clearly highlighting a current combined resource and will type over it. How can I add a combination without typing over something? And likewise, can I change the order they appear?


2) I have an OT User Bible and NT User Bible which I would like to add as a combined parallel. However, I am not sure what name to give it. For example, the Hebrew Bible combo is not called that, but rather just HMT. I supposed I would need to write out the entire name of the User Bible, and would run into a character limit, so if I do this I should upload them again, but with short nicknames. Is this correct?


Thank you for any clarity anyone is able to provide,


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Hello @Kristin


To add. Open a Bible with OT and NT. In your case the ESV. Open one of the User Bibles in parallel. It comes then automatic the combine icon (the middle one).


Choose a secondary text. 










Then you can in "Kombinierte Resourcen verwalten" change the name. Change the hierarchy etc.








2. The names are too long.




You can call it. 




 Or whatever you like.





Are the User Bibles in different languages? If not may you can combine them in the txt.



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Hi @Fabian,

Thank you for your screenshots. I am having a hard time getting to them, however. If I open a text to Genesis and then open an NT only text as a parallel, I don't seem to have the option to save it as your screenshot shows. I then tried it with an OT only and NT only parallel, but I still get the same results.


I can show you what I am getting, but I also just noticed the time so I need to get off the computer and will address this when the sun comes up.

Thank you for your help,




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You are on the correct place. Just choose either a Greek, Hebrew, or  English text? If the User Bible is in Greek (Helena) search there.

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Hi @Fabian,

I am still having difficulty with this. I had thought I was supposed to open both texts, but if I do that and click the language, the text I have open does not show as an option. So then I thought I needed to only open one and then click the language button, but that combine button is missing.


Since I am just trying to understand how to do this, I am using real texts as opposed to my User Bibles which I am ultimately trying to combine, but here is a screenshot of where I am stuck.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-23 um 09.24.01.png

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Hello @Kristin


In general you must do images with more content. Is there a Bible left of the HMT? I guess not otherwise the combine icon would come in the HMT.


Maybe I was unclear. In General the first text has to cover the ones you want as combine text.


1. Open a Bible with OT and NT. Like ESV

2. Open one in parallel. E.g. HMT

3. Click the combine button. Choose the Delitzsch

4. Now it works

5. You can save it.

6. You can rename it or change the position in the list.


This should work.



Edited by Fabian
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