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Flipping Podcasts!


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What I think could fill that gap is to move to doing "podcasts" that highlight the CONTENT within the context of the tool. This kinda flips things upside down from the current approach of showing off the tool with content taking second chair. When I went to one of the in-person seminars the MOST valuable thing I got from it was an understanding of how the CONTENT was used in the tool, not the tool's flexibility.


There are LOTS of modules I've been interested in that I quite simply will never ever ever buy because the investment is too much without some view into the content. For example, if there were to be a screencast of some sort that highlighted the "Context of Scripture" content, I'd be much more able to make a purchase decision. As a side effect, I'd likely also learn more about how the tool enables me to better engage the content I'm interested in... I guess I'd just say it like this: the tool is only as interesting to me as it's ability to enable to engage with and use the content in my studies... so why not do just that?


Yes, I understand that this would be difficult to do for just one product, but I see that as an opportunity, not a challenge... in just one screencast you can highlight the use of tagged original language texts, user notes, bookmarks all with the content from "context of scripture." These could coincide with a kind of package deal... maybe Scholar's libraries with CoS for 5% discount?


A Podcast showing how to get the most value out of the Apologetics Study Bible at the same time as sale a while ago would likely have boosted sales even higher AND improved the value people who purchased it got out of the tool! What about a discounted Study Bible with ESVS package?


Am I alone in this thinking?


Great idea!


Our initial objective has been to get all this basic training podcasts done, as new users need the most help. We're about halfway there, at which point we'll be tackling different projects. I can sure see us doing some of these

Great idea!


Our initial objective has been to get all this basic training podcasts done, as new users need the most help. We're about halfway there, at which point we'll be tackling different projects. I can sure see us doing some of these


I like this idea. I especially liked the ESV Study Bible podcast and it really helped me to get more out of using it. Would certainly like to see more of these. I like the idea of how to prepare a sermon, or use Accordance in a class room setting, preparing a lesson, paper, etc.


Good stuff!


Thanks, guys!


I am excited about producing some other kinds of podcasts too. The basics should be behind us in another month, by which time I should have acquired a lot more experience too. ;)


Producing these podcasts has meant wrestling with a steep learning curve, . I've done vocals for years, even a few small recording projects. However, setting up the recording booth, learning how to record video and screen actions, how to edit and splice the results, etc. has been a real technical challenge. My appreciation for television actors [and production teams] has gone up tenfold! My current goal is to eliminate more of the "shifty-eyes" that seem to appear when I read the script on either side of the camera.


Meanwhile, I appreciate your feedback and hope you will encourage friends and families to subscribe to our podcasts too. I am amazed at how many of our users tap so little of Accordance's power. I am also surprised at how many people still don't know about Accordance. With the growing interest in the world in "spiritual things," but a declining knowledge of the Bible here in the US, I think there's a real need for basic Bible study techniques. That means people need both knowledge of proper techniques and access to quality resources. Accordance meets those needs admirably.


Re-reading this last paragraph made me think "Alas, I think I'm beginning to sound like an 'evangelist!'" Reminds me of the mid-eighties, when just a few of us were trying to convince the world to give Apple's new Mac a try... Who would have thought then that "Apple" would become the household name it is today? :D


I just wanted to let you know how much a deeply appreciate your investment and, no doubt, crazy hours! I can't imagine how long it takes to write out the script in coordination with activities down to the tiniest detail! I know, because I used to do similar work as a product manager. Now that I'm in "management" I do not get to do the fun stuff as much as I like.


One screencast that I've subscribed to for... hmmm... must be almost 3 years now, it the "Screencasts Online" video podcast. It was great when I was switching from PC to mac. Not near as much value as it used to be for me (he tends to cover the same kind of thing over and over), but about once every few months, something really is applicable. Note that his shows really tend to focus on highlighting a specific piece of software (e.g. Numbers '09, MailSteward, iPhoto '09, DiscLabel, Bento 2), "tips and tricks" type 'casts he calls the "MacMontage", and finally more


I love the PIP "talking head" you've been using in your 'casts. They make the presentation much more personal and keeps me listening. This is something that sconline doesn't do that I prefer in your screencasting style.


I'll echo Rick's thumbs up on the ESV study bible podcast.


I think I said it before, but having a forum thread for each podcast with announcement post as "show notes" with links to resources, etc. that you can also refer to in the podcast is also feature I've found useful for content and reference filled 'casts. It's also a great place to print out detailed steps for elements that are easier to communicate in writing as opposed to screencasts.


A nice thing that sconline does is to have numbered screencasts that he refers to in subsequent 'casts. Not really a problem right now, but it will be! :)


WRT evangelism... My men's bible study group gets real-time demos of how I can dig into the word with amazing speed and pull people OUT of rat holes instead of getting stuck in them. Whenever I get a chance to share it while at the coffee boutique/starbucks, I'm a regular accordance salesperson! I'd LOVE to be able to point them to a good google or youtube search term and get them on the fast track!


Thanks again, for both the feedback and the tips!


Loved the part about you being an Accordance evangelist. I'd love to see our user base double this year, as well as the number of subscribers to "Lighting the Lamp." Both would result in an increased revenue stream, which we could then direct into producing more modules and even better training materials.


Let me encourage others to feel free to re-use these podcasts in their ministry, study groups, teaching, whatever. All of us here at OakTree Software would be thrilled, as our overarching goal is to make the study of the Bible more accessible. [We just figured we'd sell some software along the way! ;)] I know finding good media clips in biblical studies is often difficult. I taught a college-level class in basic Bible study techniques for years and had to make do with lectures. Holding up a concordance to a large class and trying to explain how to find something is a real pain. It is much easier and more effective to just show a video clip on the classroom screen.


So, enjoy!


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