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help finding sections in a Latin text lacking a table of contents


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I am not sure if I am supposed to be writing here or contacting sales, so I will try here and if I am mistaken someone can let me know.


I own "Apocryphal Gospels (Greek and English)" which is product AGOSP-T  and has some Latin.

The product states:

  • Greek/English (and a few Latin) texts include:
  • Gospel of Thomas (Greek fragments)
  • Infancy Gospel of Thomas
  • Gospel of Peter
  • Secret Gospel of Mark
  • Protevangelium of James
  • Gospel of Mary
  • Acts of Pilate
  • Christ’s Descent into Hell
  • Numerous fragments of other works.

Since it does not have chapters, I am trying to find the first verse of each of these. So I went through looking for the start of each section and am running into a few issues.


First, there are at least 10 sections, but I can only find 9, so I guess the "numerous fragments" are at the end, but not marked?

More importantly though, I am having a hard time matching them. i have found:

Thom. 0

Naz. 3

Ebion. 1

Hebr. 2

Peter 1:0

Keryg. 7

3Infan. 1:1

Pilate 0:0

Agrapha 4


Thom is obviously Thomas, and Peter is obviously Peter, but they don't seem to be lined up the same and I am having a hard time figuring out what is what.


This is also since the Greek version starts with Naz. 3, but the Latin with Naz. 1. So I started with the Latin since it was earlier, but then I realized that most of it is just Greek (as the module told me...).


Could someone familiar with this module help me match the start verse of each of the sections? I don't really care if it is in Latin or Greek, I just need the start of all the sections.


Thank you for any help anyone is able to provide.


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Could someone familiar with this module help me match the start verse of each of the sections? I don't really care if it is in Latin or Greek, I just need the start of all the sections.


Hi Kristin, I think I must be misunderstanding your question somehow, so I apologize if the following totally misses the mark, but have you tried using the "Book" arrows to take you to the start of each book in the module?  Or alternatively, using the "List All Book Names" option, and then clicking on the hyperlinks.  See attached.

Captured 2114.jpg

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Oh wow!! Thank you so much, @TYA!! That is so helpful, I had no idea that function was there! That helps significantly, not just with this, but other books without a typical table of contents. Normally with books without a true table of contents I just sort of figure it out, but this time I got stuck. I am so relieved to know this now. :)

Thank you again and take care,


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Yes, this is a good workaround. Having said that, I would reiterate the need for a true TOC for texts such as these. It's already the case for the iOS version. Thanks for looking into this Accordance! Can we hope for it in Acc 14?


BTW Kristin, this is also a workaround I find helpful. If you have Accordance installed on your iPad (assuming you are on a Mac), all the texts have a true TOC, so that can also give you an indication of the ressources they contain.

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