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specific forms in NT Analytics


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I am hoping to receive some clarity on how to see different  forms in the NT Analytics. For example, in the NT the word often translated as "in" is sometimes lower case and spelled as ἐν and other times, such as Mt 3:1 it is upper case and spelled as Ἐν. (The forum is messing up the breathing mark, but you get the idea.)

So I wanted to see how often it is spelled as Ἐν. So I typed ἐν and searched for the lexeme and opened the Analytics, but it says, " ἐν    (+dat) in, with, by, to = 2752" but that is just not true as shown by Mt 3:1. I tried searching =Ἐν but I am getting results for ἐν.


Is there a way to see this data in Analytics, or search for the forms?


Thank you,


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Hi Kristin,


  There are four ways to search basically.

  Just the lexeme, a word with quotes, with =, and then with both = and quotes.


  Lexeme: this will find all words of this lexeme regardless of case, accentuation or specific form

  with quotes: this will find a specific inflected form of a word (not the lexeme) without regard to accentuation

  with = but no quotes. This will find words of this specific lexeme - this is most useful in selecting the correct homograph for example.

  with = and quotes. This is useful for finding specific accentuation and inflected form. You want this one I believe based on the above.


  So one way to get the answer you want is to search for : "=Ἐν". Note the forum seems to be swallowing the breathing mark.


  The other way is in the Analytics to go to Customize Display - from the little gear wheel.

  The drag the INFLECTED tag from the left column to the right hand one under the section "Select items for sort and display of each word:.




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Thank you so much, @Λύχνις Δαν!

I tried searching for the word, using the version of = and quotes, but that didn't work. If I used the quotes Acc complained claiming they are spaces and cannot be used with an =. In any case, so I changed the Analytics like you said and that worked beautifully! Thank you!



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