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citation with endnote (ris)


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Writing my phd I use pages together with the program Endnote. Now I would like to quote Philo-T. Is it possible to create a 'ris file' from Accordance? Can someone please tell me how I can manage this? When I go to 'library' and site click with some modules I see 'export all data;. But then all the books are put in a ris file. And I only want the greek Philo (just bought it) in a ris file. 76970987_Schermafbeelding2021-12-13om21_59_40.png.e6cd68d1a8c8ff01d43c81f07c700ef9.png 2145072423_Schermafbeelding2021-12-13om22_00_30.png.ef1b8566d5fb3ad6c540ab0dbef9bf44.png

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RIS information is not made available with texts divided by chapter and verse because most style guides just allow the verse reference, such as Philo, On the Life of Moses 1:1.

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16 hours ago, R. Mansfield said:

RIS information is not made available with texts divided by chapter and verse because most style guides just allow the verse reference, such as Philo, On the Life of Moses 1:1.

But if you’re writing a thesis, you might be asked to include the edition you used in the reference list. Also, since a Text is the only way Accordance can display two texts in parallel, it’s been used for things that are not usually cited by chapter and verse.

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