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Complete the Switch Twitter Campaign

David Lang

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I just posted this to the blog, but also wanted to mention it here. As part of our Complete the Switch campaign, we're posting a series of humorous Biblical exhortations to complete the switch on Twitter. We'll post one each day and hope you'll retweet them, include them in email signatures, or disseminate them however you like. Here are the first three:


Don't settle for leeks and onions when you can have milk and honey. Complete the Switch to Mac! http://bit.ly/DjHQy #macbible


Don't put your hand to the plow and look back. Complete the Switch to Mac! http://bit.ly/DjHQy #macbible


Don't turn aside from the joy set before you. Complete the Switch to Mac! http://bit.ly/DjHQy #macbible


You can see the rest by following accordancebible or accordanceguy on Twitter.

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  • 1 year later...

I had an Accordance promotion widget on my Biblebase Website for more than a year, but it has now vanished. Looking up the promotions options my original choice seems to be no longer available. The only options now seem to be part of the Complete the Switch campaign. I appreciate your slightly more aggressive promotions stance but it is just a tad too aggressive for the kind of website I want to portray. I am more than happy to promote Accordance and do so regularly but I don't really want to get involved in any minor skirmishes of the PC-Apple war. Do you have any plans for promotion widgets more along the line of the original ones? Thank you.

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