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Help avoid orphan references in text and Links


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In Accordance depending of text pane display - displayed verse references in texts and verse references in hyperlinks can be displayed/shown as orphans (i.e., a verse reference appears at the end of a line of text, but what it references displays at the start of the next line; or a hyper linked verse reference could appear on two lines - e.g. 2Sam on one line and 15:1 on the next line).  


Many programs used an option space to force two items to in effect be treated a one entity it terms of word wrapping.  If implemented this would be a lot of work, but useful to users nevertheless.  Also search would need to handle option spaces like a space, just as capitalization is handled so that upper and lower are treat the same while different.  Given the size of Accordance texts and tools this is a mammoth undertaking, but possibly with automation, a tool could be developed to reduce the labor needed to implement this feature.


I acknowledge that the issue I raise is in one sense cosmetic; but the appears of orphans detract from a reader learning experience and hence having this feature would be useful for those just starting to grow in their faith and not familiar with references.

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