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Workspaces Lost

Ben Gladd

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I'm running 13.3.2 on Monterey 12.0.1, and Accordance persistently deletes my workspaces. I'll add them, and lo and behold, they are gone! The files are still on my hard drive, though. Any remedy? 



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5 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:

So the workspace files aren't actually being deleted but just the listing in your Library pane or workspace dropdown on the toolbar?

That's correct. The listing on my toolbar and workspace folder in my library aren't populated. 

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I've had Workspaces disappear from my list at times (but remain in the Accordance folder on my drive), too, but never something I can consistently reproduce to figure out a pattern. If you open a Workspace from the File menu, and choose "Add current Workspace" from the Workspace icon, at what point do they disappear afterwards?

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It happened again! When I added a workspace, a file that was already existent on my hard drive, I lost all my previous workspaces. 1069934287_2021-12-03at8_37AM.thumb.jpeg.407ed0adc1b661b66bb959364623811e.jpeg

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This is very interesting. I didn't realize you were losing all of them! I've had them occasionally disappear on an individual basis but never all at once. 


Maybe @Tech Support can jump in here. Perhaps they've seen something similar happen before.

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So the first thing that we should do is locate the Accordance Files folder (which holds workspaces and user content). We also need to check to see if there is more than one Accordance Files folder. Normally they are in Documents by default, but if you have Desktop and Document syncing turned on, they will be synced to iCloud.


If there are more than one Accordance Files folder we need to arrange things so that there is just one. Multiple Accordance Files folders could cause an issue like this. You can rename duplicates of the folder so that you can keep them as a backup in case you need them.


You should also look at the syncing situation on your computer. I have been told by the programming team that if two separate syncs (iCloud and Dropbox for instance) are running at the same time, files have been known to disappear. You should only use one syncing system at a time.


Feel free to contact us directly at: techsupport@accordancebible.com if needed.


We can arrange a time for one of us to screen share with you to try to get this figured out.



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@Billy32792Yes, I am running two Accordance folders. I bet that's the issue. I'll migrate them and see what happens. Thanks for your help!

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Hi Ben,


Just to be clear, on a Mac there are 4 folders that you will want to copy to an external drive (or Airdrop) and transfer to another Mac (or remove for a clean installation).


1 - The Accordance app (the program itself) located in the Applications folder.


2 - The Accordance folder (which holds your modules and support files) is located in either your Home User library or the Mac HD library:


Go/Home/Library/Application Support/Accordance (in Mac OS X 10.7 and up, you may have to press your option key while you have the ‘Go’ menu open in order to see the hidden ‘Library’ underneath 'Home’ in the ‘Go’ drop down menu).




Go/Computer/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Accordance 


3 - The Accordance Preferences (which contains your individual preferences) located at: Go/Home/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences (If your Home library is hidden, you have to press your option key while you have the ‘Go’ menu open in order to see the hidden ‘Library’ underneath 'Home’ in the ‘Go’ drop down menu).



4 - The Accordance Files folder (which holds your workspaces, highlights, user notes, tools etc.) located in your Documents folder.


So we were talking about #4 the Accordance Files folder.



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