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Accordance 13.3.2 for Windows Crashing Constantly

Jeffrey Benson

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Accordance is crashing very very frequently for me.


Most recently it is crashing every time I try to sync with my iOS device. My goal is to share my user notes and my highlights file with the iOS devices. During the sync process, after the texts and books synchronize, the app crashes as soon as it trys to sync the personal content (notes/highlights file).


I have restarted Accordance clearing the cache and even rebuilding (reinstalling) all the library content. 


The log file is not informative at all.


Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 15:53:42:231 On: 17 of Nov, 2021  Eastern Standard Time

Accordance 13.3.2 (
Windows 10 (10.0.19043)
RAM: 2426MB free of 16122MB total
Disc: 220GB free of 458GB total

Message: Privileged instruction
Address:   $006E006F




Please help get Accordance stable for me, I made an investment here strategically to use it as my Bible Study platform and right now it is crashing so often it is not stable at all. It was crashing through several releases of updates but only after getting on 13.3.2 did I start to try to achieve mobile sync, and that crashes consistently and constantly. 


I even deleted My Notes file (because I haven't started using it yet) and it still crashes.


Attached are some of the log files zipped up so you can see a bunch of them.



Accordance Logs.zip

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It most likely is a corrupt file that is being synced that is causing the crashing.


Before trying to isolate corrupt user notes or files, you will always want to back up everything that you will be working on before beginning, so that if something goes wrong you haven’t lost anything. Make sure that you have backed up the computer version of your Accordance Files folder (located in Documents or in My Documents).


You can start isolating by syncing one category of user content at a time. For instance sync just User Notes first. If they all sync fine, then try another categories such a Highlights. When you isolate the category where the bad file is located, then you can sync the files from that category one at a time until you find the bad file. When you isolate the bad file you will need to find the most recent version of the file from before it was corrupted to replace the bad file.


Hopefully this will help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I second the request for crash fixes. Accordance has crashed on me several times in the past few weeks. I highly doubt corrupt user notes, since I have very few if any. And if there are other corrupted files, we need a better interface when there is a crash. Accordance just disappears off the screen.


I would also like to request two minor fixes:


1) The title bar of the application should say "Accordance" or something similar. Right now, there is no title. This makes it hard to use my window management software (for arranging windows nicely on my screen) because there is a window with no name.


2) The app icon (white background with orange flame) is noticeably smaller than the other icons, particularly the icon pinned in the taskbar.

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Follow up that might be relevant. I go to Utilities | Check for content updates. It sits and does nothing. Except, Accordance sucks up 10% of my CPU--on a VERY fast 8-core desktop machine. It sits for so long, it is evident that something is broken. I click the X in the upper right corner of the app, and suddenly the check for content updates box starts to do its thing. But then it spins forever. I click "Stop" to stop it from checking for updates, but there is no response. I cannot exit the program using the normal means. I have to go to task manager and use End Task.


Meanwhile, other apps become totally sluggish. Like trying to type this message, I can type 60wpm or more. Each letter takes 1 to 2 seconds to show up on the screen. So Accordance is doing something strange. As soon as I kill Accordance, my "typing speed" is back up to normal.


This is reproducible.

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We were sorry to hear of these issues. 


It is possible that you may have a damaged installation. Did you by any chance use Google Chrome to download Accordance? Chrome is mistaking Accordance for malware on some computers and will cripple the download to various degrees and it will never work correctly. If you used Chrome, please throw that download away and get a new download and run it again using any other browser. Please restart your PC before running the new download to quit any background processes that may still be running (Task Manager alone can do this sometimes, but restarting the PC does it every time).


Security/cleaning software can also corrupt the Accordance folders. Please, make sure that these types of software, if installed on your computer, are allowing Accordance to connect to our servers and work normally.


If you did not use Chrome, Accordance Safe Mode will allow you to easily remove or disable User Content, Settings, Connectivity and do Clean up for troubleshooting purposes. 

In order to open Accordance Safe Mode on a Windows computer, press and hold your ‘alt’ key ‘immediately after’ you click on the icon to open Accordance.


Please select ‘Remove startup session’, ‘Clear Library Cache’, ‘Clear Research Cache’, ‘Clear cached downloads’ and then launch Accordance.


If this doesn’t correct the issue, you can go back into Accordance Safe Mode and select ‘Remove General Settings’ and then relaunch Accordance. This will reset some of your personal preferences and you will need to put in your name and account information again, but this is normal.


If the crashing continues after these steps there is a possibility that you have a corrupt file which is causing the crash. You can go back into Accordance Safe Mode and you can try disabling Highlights and User Notes and also Automatic Dropbox Sync and Automatic Updates in order to try to isolate the issue.


In most cases one of these steps will correct the issue. If it does not, we can arrange a time for one of us to screen share with you to assist with this.


The 'minor fixes' that you are requesting are actually feature requests. You can post those here:




If you need further troubleshooting with your Accordance installation you can contact us directly at: techsupport@accordancebible.com



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  • 1 month later...
Safe Mode cleanup worked to fix the sluggishness problem:
1. Quit Accordance.
2. (Windows) Double-click on the Accordance icon while holding down the ALT key. It may take a moment to open the Safe Mode window.
3. On the window that appears check the first option, "Remove Startup Session" and then launch Accordance.
The feature requests still need to be done!
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