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Import user text for Open English Bible isn't working


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I have followed the instructions to import a user text. I have downloaded a file intended for Accordance from openenglishbible.com. When I run the import, I see a spinning rainbow cursor for a minute or two, and then ... nothing. I check the list of Bibles in my library, but no OEB there. I search around to see if it shows someplace else but cannot find it.


Can anyone offer me some help?

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Yes I have a lot to say. I have reported them several issues. And they made some changes, but not all of my wishes for an import in Accordance are done. So try follow these steps.


First you have to set the encoding of Safari to "MacOS Roman". 





Copy the content to BBEdit. https://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/index.html or any text editor you like. If you don't have BBEdit until now I recommend it to you. You'll get the full version and after 30 days, a limited version until you pay for it. You can do all with the free version what you need. If you want to do a lot of edits to import User Bibles I encourage you to get the full version, as i think it has some features that helps. (Some I requested).


Save it as txt and with the encoding of MacOS Roman. And CR line breaking. (I hope Silas develop it, that in the future the line breaks don't make a different.)



Save it. And try to import again.






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You have also to check these verses.


-Rev 12:18

+Ps 88:0

+Ps 102:0

+Ps 121:0

+Ps 132:0

+Ps 140:0



They have added some titles to the Psalms where the KJV don't have. And they followed in the Rev. the Bibles with Rev. 12:18 which is not there in the KJV. 


Currently there is no text in Accordance with these verse mappings.

Edited by Fabian
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