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Location of Application Related Files


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I've recently installed Accordance 13.3.1 (via App Store) on a Mac running macOS 11. I want to find the folder with the application related files, but I can't. It used to be at User/Library/Application Support/Accordance. According to the Accordance Help page it should be at user/Library/Application Support/AccordanceMAS, but I can't find any folder with that name.


Does anyone know what to do?

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Did you install Accordance from the Mac App Store or directly from our servers? If you downloaded MAS, that's why you're not seeing content at those locations. Apple's sandboxing requires things to be set up differently.

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Thanks for your answer!


I installed it from App Store.

Is there any way I can access a similar folder?


The thing is, I want to replace the "Search Range"-file with the one available at Accordance Exchange.

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Sorry about the error in Help, the application related files were move a few years ago. We will get it updated!


A fresh install of Accordance from the Mac App Store should install it's files here:


/Library/Group Containers/RVS387QN32.com.OakTree.MAS.Accordance/Library/Application Support 

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5 minutes ago, Mike Garrity said:

Sorry about the error in Help, the application related files were move a few years ago. We will get it updated!


A fresh install of Accordance from the Mac App Store should install it's files here:


/Library/Group Containers/RVS387QN32.com.OakTree.MAS.Accordance/Library/Application Support 

@Ken Simpson May you have to add this file path too in the exchange.

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19 hours ago, Mike Garrity said:

Sorry about the error in Help, the application related files were move a few years ago. We will get it updated!


A fresh install of Accordance from the Mac App Store should install it's files here:


/Library/Group Containers/RVS387QN32.com.OakTree.MAS.Accordance/Library/Application Support 


Thank you, Mike! I appreciate your help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a great discussion for the location of the Accordance related files (v 13.3.1) installed onto MacOS 11.1 and I was fascinated to learn about the "sandboxes" that are established by the various SW entities. However, I have the same question but for Accordance 13.3.2 installed onto a new machine (16 inch MacBook Pro; Apple M1 Mac chip; OS12.0.1 - Monterey). I did a clean install of the application and all my purchased modules and now am looking for the location of these files. Where??? There is no such location: /Library/Group Containers/RVS387QN32.com.OakTrss.MAS.Accordanct/Library/Application Support.


Where, oh where have they all gone? I'm lost in the woods!!

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I just bought a module and cannot use Accordance again, because of the message hereunder: 

"You will need to specify the location of the “Accordance Files” folder for Accordance to function properly."

This question of localisation has always been a difficulty for me. As I am to buy a new machine in one or two months from now, I am a little bit worried about the time I will have to spend again in order to get the app functioning without obstacle.

Until now it seemed that the only place accepted by the app was Documents/LogFiles/Accordance files. Which was not the asiest for me, but I ended up ba accepting this. This time it does not work. Could anybody give me a clear and simple view about this "location" of Accordance files?

Thanks in advance.


13.3.1 (13.3.1) MacOS 10.15.7 "Catalina"

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Finally I did create a new Accordance file and it is accepted, but ONCE AGAIN I have to set up all my preferences... with is strange for I do already have an Accordance files...

Edited by Yohanan
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You can create a clone of your current computer's Accordance installation. The locations of the files that you need to copy depends on whether you are using our version on a Windows or Mac computer or using the Mac App Store version. They are all in different locations.


If you are using a Mac. Are you using our version of Accordance or the Mac App Store version?


If you set up your Accordance Files folder on a Mac, but have Desktop and Documents syncing turned on it will take your Documents folder (including your Accordance Files folder) to iCloud. Then Accordance can't find them until you let Accordance know where they have been moved. You can do that by double clicking a user note or a workspace from the iCloud location. 


@Yohanan, Your preferences are in the Accordance Preferences folder. They are not in the Accordance Files folder. The Accordance Files folder is for user content.


For the record:


On a Mac (with our version) there are 4 folders that you will want to copy to an external drive (or Airdrop) and transfer to another Mac (or remove for a clean installation).


1 - The Accordance app (the program itself) located in the Applications folder.


2 - The Accordance folder (which holds your modules and support files) is located in either your Home User library or the Mac HD library:


Go/Home/Library/Application Support/Accordance (in Mac OS X 10.7 and up, you may have to press your option key while you have the ‘Go’ menu open in order to see the hidden ‘Library’ underneath 'Home’ in the ‘Go’ drop down menu).




Go/Computer/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Accordance 


3 - The Accordance Preferences (which contains your individual preferences) located at: Go/Home/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences (If your Home library is hidden, you have to press your option key while you have the ‘Go’ menu open in order to see the hidden ‘Library’ underneath 'Home’ in the ‘Go’ drop down menu).



4 - The Accordance Files folder (which holds your workspaces, highlights, user notes, tools etc.) located in your Documents folder.


Hopefully this will help.

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