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Eusebian Canons


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I am wondering if anyone else using the Eusebian Canons has any frustrations trying to use them. I wish they were more user friendly in NA28. Perhaps they are limited because of the data base.


First, unless you know what you are looking for they are not marked well in the apparatus. 


Second, I was hoping the Instant Details could give more information. For  Matt 1:1, the  apparatus reads  “1 III” and the Instant Details reads  “1 14 1". Unless one knows how to interpret this and where to look for more information, this is not very useful.  It would be nice to at least include the book names (1 for Matthew; 14 for Luke; 1 for John).


If one does click on “1 III” in the apparatus, one is taken to the list for Canon 3– (which is on p. 93 of the introduction to NA28) and the information from the Instant Details “1 14 1". If one accesses the Instant Details on p 93, one is takes one back to the critical apparatus rather than given any details about the actual verses in each of the canons.  


I have looked at many of the numbers in the Canons in the list. I can discern no pattern to what Instant Details will give me. Sometimes it seems there is a list of verses, which might correspond to the verses in the Canons. Other ties, it just gives the information for the first text critical note where the canon is located.


There may be few people interested in the Eusebian Canons but that may be because they are so hard to access automatically.


Some correlation to the Aland Synopsis Paragraphs, in a seamless way, would also help. Any improvements would be appreciated.

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