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BHS-T v MT-ETCBC-(A) differences?


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Hi all,


I'm currently teaching a tools-based Hebrew course using Accordance. Some of my students purchased their packages after July 1, 2021, so they have the newer MT-ETCBC-A rather than the BHS-T. A student contacted me today regarding some discrepancies between my answer keys (made using my BHS-T) and what they're seeing in their new Accordance package with the MT-ETCBC-A. It appears that the morphological tagging is treating some things differently, and--if nothing else--I figured there might be others who would benefit from knowing about the differences.


Things I've noticed so far:

  • Numbers - BHS-T identifies them as adjectives; MT-ETCBC-A identifies them as nouns
  • Gentilics (Levite, Ephraimite, etc.) - BHS-T: nouns; MT-ETCBC-A: adjectives
  • את - Although the MT-ETCBC-A does identify it as "<object marker>" when it is the direct object marker, it still identifies it as a preposition, which seems potentially confusing
  • waw consecutive perfects - BHS-T: perf . . . consec; MT-ETCBC-A: not sure if this is marked
  •      I searched for wcps in BHS-T, then checked the MT-ETCBC-A for the same words. No mention of 'consec' or anything similar. Some have 'copulative', but inconsistently.


I don't know if there's a summary of the differences, but that would be greatly helpful.



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I should add that I recognize that some of these cases are arguable either way on a grammatical level, but what I'm mainly concerned about is having consistency with my students. Some of them have the BHS-T, while others have the new MT-ETCBC-A.



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I think you have just uncovered the tip off the iceberg in terms of the differences. I have a colleague who has identified other parsing oddities besides the ones you have.  I have not been able to search for jussives, apocopated forms, etc. I understand that the ETCBC is a syntactical mark-up, but I can find no documentation which explains which grammatical forms it parses for. I appreciate the extra levels it can offer. But right now, I am having difficulty with it on the morphological/grammatical level.  Other than financial reasons, I do not understand why BHS-T is not included in Accordance Collections as well. I think at the very least we should be provided with documentation which identifies the differences between the basic parsing protocols between ETCBC and BHS-T

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I agree it would be helpful to have a comprehensive list of the differences in morphological tagging. I will begin compiling that list.


*Feel free to message me your observations.

Edited by Jordan S
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 I am glad you are collecting this information. What is needed is a simple document to explain  ETCBC and how it differs from traditional or other systems. It would also be helpful if Accordance could provide a basic bibliography to assist uses, especially teachers, in understanding the theory behind ETCBC.


I also hope to see some documents on how to use Accordance’s ETCBC module.  


Here is the reference to an article I have found helpful. 


 Kingham, Cody, and Wido van Peursen. 2018. “The ETCBC Database of the Hebrew Bible”. Journal for Semitics 27 (1):13 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/1013-8471/2974.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/13/2021 at 8:06 PM, wbryant said:



I think you have just uncovered the tip off the iceberg in terms of the differences. I have a colleague who has identified other parsing oddities besides the ones you have.  I have not been able to search for jussives, apocopated forms, etc. I understand that the ETCBC is a syntactical mark-up, but I can find no documentation which explains which grammatical forms it parses for. I appreciate the extra levels it can offer. But right now, I am having difficulty with it on the morphological/grammatical level.  Other than financial reasons, I do not understand why BHS-T is not included in Accordance Collections as well. I think at the very least we should be provided with documentation which identifies the differences between the basic parsing protocols between ETCBC and BHS-T

Yes, indeed. I am teaching volitives this week, and not having jussives and cohortatives tagged is causing a bit of scrambling on my part. It does identify imperatives, which is something. I have a couple ideas for workarounds; if any of them pan out, I'll post them here.

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I for one would be interested in the workarounds you find or even a report of finding deadends

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  • 8 months later...

Just to update the list of differences that I keep finding:

  • Update on wcp/weqatal: They are just marked as 'perfect', so for now I'm telling my students that if a perfect verb has the conjunction to treat it as a wcp. That will miss the 5% or so of waw-prefixed perfects that are just simple perfect verbs with the conjunction, but that's the best I have so far. 
  • cohortatives and jussives are just listed as imperfects (imperatives are identified) - @wbryant mentioned this one above
  • demonstratives are identified as Pronoun demonstrative this/these, rather than Adjective GN this/these (this, to me, is no big deal)
    • no gender given in MT-ETCBC-A for singular demonstratives (this puts a damper on exploring some issues with agreement)
  • nouns with pronominal suffixes are listed as absolute, rather than construct (a WELCOME change, there)
  • יֶשׁ/אֵין - were Particle adverbs, now Noun copulative (not sure why, but ok)
  • Fewer verbal stems/binyanim - For example, וַיְמֹ֣תְתֵ֔הוּ in 1 Sam 17.51 given as piel, rather than polel
That's my list for now...




BHS-T verbal stems.jpg

MT-ETCBC verbal stems.jpg

Edited by drmatt.thomas
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