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"Unable to validate Module Online"

Michael Evanson

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I am getting a window popping up saying "Accordance was unable to validate this module online. Please enter the unlocking code for the module “HMT-W4”. I have on occasion also had the same message but with a different module listed, something like "BHS-Latin."


It pops up frequently and prevents me from doing anything else in Accordance. Sometimes clicking the 'Cancel' box is sufficient to dismiss it, but other times the whole program locks up. Sometime it even prevents other windows from being used, as switching to another window (of a different program) only results in the Accordance window popping back up.


As it stands, Accordance is basically unusable.


I am aware of this older thread, the solution proposed there didn't work.


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Sorry. This is the Mac discussion. I will repost in the Windows discussion.

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Funnily, this is the exactly the same message I got (on a Mac) with BHS.  I ended up having to wipe out everything manually, delete all preferences and reinstall everything from scratch to fix it.

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Hi Michael,


To correct the MT-LXX interlinear issue, please navigate to the Accordance/Gloss folder and delete the 'MT-LXX.ainter' file. Then restart Accordance.


The Accordance folder (which holds your modules and support files) is located in either your Home User library or the Mac HD library:


Go/Home/Library/Application Support/Accordance/Gloss folder (in Mac OS X 10.7 and up, you may have to press your option key while you have the ‘Go’ menu open in order to see the hidden ‘Library’ underneath 'Home’ in the ‘Go’ drop down menu).




Go/Computer/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Accordance/Gloss folder


This should correct that issue.


For the record this is a separate issue than the one Rich is reporting. If anyone is receiving an unlocking code issue for a Hebrew text, please contact us at: techsupport@accordancebible.com.  We can usually fix it on our end rather quickly.



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