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How to I get my resources to be in the same order as my desktop


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I am having a very difficult time. I recently purchased a new iPad Pro and wanted to install my modules on it. That was a nightmare. I had to reinstall everything multiple times and eventually had to do it in groups of about 20 resources. After I did get the resources installed, I was hoping that with Dropbox sync it would order my resources on iOS as it is on my desktop. Is this possible? What am I missing?


Thanks so much!



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Wow, really? Hopefully that’s something coming soon! With so many resources, it would be really tedious to do that by hand again and organize everything on each device. 

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this would be a brilliant feature esp if you have large libraries


will there be a fix for the Hebrew modules anytime soon?


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46 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:

There's no syncing of library structure yet, but this has been part of discussions for future updates. 

At the moment delete the content in the iPhone and sync with the Mac. 


BTW. I have requested long ago the divider as it is on the Mac for iPhone too. 

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42 minutes ago, Fabian said:

At the moment delete the content in the iPhone and sync with the Mac. 


BTW. I have requested long ago the divider as it is on the Mac for iPhone too. 


I tried syncing originally this way and always got errors. It didn't use to do this but with the new device it did. That was part of the "nightmare" portion I experienced. So, if I delete everything, it will sync in the same order?



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Library syncing would be amazingly awesome!!!!!!

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5 hours ago, SWallace said:


I tried syncing originally this way and always got errors. It didn't use to do this but with the new device it did. That was part of the "nightmare" portion I experienced. So, if I delete everything, it will sync in the same order?



Last time it worked by me. (Let one Demo Text on the iDevice otherwise it crashes and starts new.)


But now it stucks with LUTH-LEM. The second item. 

New start. It stucks at the end of the first item. 


Conclusion: it is brocken. Accordance have to give a look to fix it.

I cannot break the action on my Mac only on the iPhone. Seems to be broken too.



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I have deleted the app and reinstalled. I have updated my Accordance to the newer version (I had 13.2.2) and still the Wifi Sync stalls. I have tried so many times and I am so frustrated by this whole process. I have used Accordance for years and I have never had so many issues. For the first time, I am actually considering Logos (not even sure if that is better. It's only out of frustration!). Is there a way for me to troubleshoot this issue? Some logs or something? I even tried to install one resource at a time and no go. My Texts did sync but the Tools are a no go.


Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction.


Best regards,


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11 hours ago, SWallace said:

I have deleted the app and reinstalled. I have updated my Accordance to the newer version (I had 13.2.2) and still the Wifi Sync stalls. I have tried so many times and I am so frustrated by this whole process. I have used Accordance for years and I have never had so many issues. For the first time, I am actually considering Logos (not even sure if that is better. It's only out of frustration!). Is there a way for me to troubleshoot this issue? Some logs or something? I even tried to install one resource at a time and no go. My Texts did sync but the Tools are a no go.


Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction.


Best regards,



So, here's an update. After about 30 attempts (no joking) I was able to sync everything. Basically, I needed to force quit and relaunch Accordance on my Mac, do the same for Accordance on iOS and try to sync some resources. After successfully syncing, I couldn't do it again but quit and started the process all over. After doing this numerous times, I was able to get everything synced. I did notice that if you sync via Wifi, it goes in the order of the library. So it doesn't "sync" the order for the future but it at least adds it in the order I currently have on my desktop.


I really hope Accordance is able to improve these areas of the software.



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Appreciate all the feedback on this subject.  I too just got an Ipad Pro 12.9   2 weeks ago and I'm trying to figure things out.  I likewise do not want to have to resort to Logos. :)



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Syncing your library between mobile and desktop has been around for awhile (at least between Mac and iOS). However I have never found it reliable and would often involve me having to manually move items around to get the libraries on each device in sync.


I don't know if it is because I have a heavily customised library layout or something else for why it has not worked.  I recommend installing via easy install in batches and manually cataloguing your library config by hand.

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  • 1 year later...

Just got another iPad and ironically... here I am again fighting with the Mobile Sync. It just does not work. Already wasted way too much time on this. I am still on v13 (13.3.4 for Mac) and the current iPad version. Do I literally have to sync one-by-one? Anyone who has slain this giant, please let me know. Thanks!

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When i got a new iPad and iphone, i just easy installed in groups of about 1 gig blocks. But i have different resources on my devices. 

tried sync about 11 years ago and since then ive always easy installed as its less painful. 

 But people are reporting bugs when moving items on mobile devices so you may want to delay until there is a new version

Edited by ukfraser
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Mobile sync isn’t working for me at all but stalling.


In the meantime, I’ve installed everything over Easy Install and leaving everything temporarily as-is, then I’m waiting for our enhancements to syncing to see if it’ll sync my library order.

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