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13.3.1 Highlighting


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Went to change highlighting style by choosing "define highlighting style". Got an instant crash.


Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 19:19:27:957 On: 2 of Oct, 2021  Eastern Daylight Time

Accordance 13.3.1 (
Windows 10 (10.0.22000)
RAM: 3057MB free of 8108MB total
Disc: 38GB free of 117GB total

Message: Access violation
Address:   $00A0CFA6





EDIT: It is repeatable! Clicked on highlighting icon on toolbar. Then clicked on "define highlight style". I chose the style I wanted to change and Accordance crashed.

Edited by rcdeacon
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There have been issues like this before. I have 13.3.1b2 beta, and there is no problem.

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I am on the new 13.3.1 release.



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Thanks Bob,


We can confirm this. We will report it to the programming team.


We apologize for this inconvenience.

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Thank you Billy.



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I'm hoping the update gets released soon. I have a project I'm working on that is on hold until this gets fixed. Thanks!

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Is anyone still able to reproduce this crash? I know I have removed my Startup Session and probably my General Settings file as I tried to trouble shoot other issues and now I can no longer reproduce this crash. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.


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The programming team already has this reported as 'fixed' for the next release. I am curious as to why mine is now fixed without the next release. 🤔


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Billy, I’m not sure but mine works AFTER the update!



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Using 13.3.1 on Win10.

No app update available.

Define Highlight style crashes the program every time.

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Hi Mark,


Have you tried a new workspace yet?


Have you tried the Accordance Safe Mode trouble shooting window yet? 


On a Windows PC, press and hold your ‘alt’ key ‘immediately after’ you click on the Accordance icon in order to open Accordance Safe Mode.


Please select ‘Remove startup session’, ‘Clear Library Cache’, ‘Clear Research Cache’, ‘Clear cached downloads’ and then launch Accordance.


If this doesn’t correct the issue, you can go back into Accordance Safe Mode and select ‘Remove General Settings’ and then relaunch Accordance. This will reset some of your personal preferences and you will need to put in your name and account information again, but this is normal. You may want to make a copy of your General.apref file before removing it, in case it doesn't work then you can put the previous one back in.


On Windows you can find that one here: 

C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Accordance\Accordance Preferences\General


One of these steps must have inadvertently fixed this Highlights crash while I was trouble shooting some other issue. The Define Highlights Styles crash is just gone on my Windows computer now. 🤔



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Thanks, @Billy32792. Clear the caches and starting w/ a fresh startup session did the trick!

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That is great news Mark! Thanks for letting us know.

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