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Active Internet Connection Not Found! But I am connected to internet!


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I was unable to activate Easy Install or Upgrade today for Accordance 12.

After downloading Accordance 13, I was unable to activate it because when the demand to login for verification appeared & I supplied my name & password (correctly),

the program threw back in my face, again, "Active Internet Connection Not Found," though I was connected to the internet. Please help.😂

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Addendum to the above: On my downstairs computer I tried again & again unsuccessfully.  I tried restarting the computer.  I took down completely the firewall.  I went to (Mac) System Preferences & set it to accept all downloaded programs from any source. Still no luck. Then I went to my upstairs computer, & using it also I was unable to download via Easy Install; I got the same error message: "Active Internet Connection Not Found," tho I am connected to the internet.  ON both computers I use Yosemite ~10.10.5.  I see in the history that somebody else had this problem, but no solution was posted in this forum except telephone Tech Support.

Edited by Enoch
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Hi @Enoch,

That is my recollection also, that someone had a similar experience sometime last week, and they were able to get help by contacting support directly. If calling on the phone is not possible, I would send an email to tech support and I am sure they will be able to help over email.

I hope this helps some,


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I am having the same problem, with both the website and the accordance application.

I only managed to come to the forum and post this because I am using a VPN to a US IP address now.

Has there been a blacklist of IP addresses that have been done? I was able to make purchases up until last week. 

This is annoying.

If there is a policy change regarding IP restrictions via regions, please let us know so that we can adjust accordingly.


Edited by lesterchua
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I've started getting this "Active Internet Connection Not Found" message occasionally, in Easy Update or upgrade, on Accordance 10 on Linux (using WINE). It works if I retry immediately so I can work around it and I don't know if it is related.

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Hi @lesterchua and @glassey,

If there is some sort of IP restriction, I doubt it is coming from Accordance, as they would have let us know. If either of you are able to, I would email support and they will hopefully be able to help.


Also, if you are able to contact them, I would suggest letting them know of this thread (and maybe also the other one from last week). The fact that this similar issue is happening to multiple people seems important diagnostically.


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I sent an email. I was advised to change my password, which I did. But it did no good.  I was told that passwords using special symbols don't work (though the Accordance password change program advises to use them) -- but I had not used special symbols.  & then I got another email from the "Tech," which asked if I had downloaded with Chrome, which I had not.  So I got no solution thus far.  This problem is on both my downstairs & upstairs computer. I am running Yosemite on a MacBook downstairs & Yosemite on my upstairs Mac also.  I cannot download my recent purchase. I cannot download to Accordance 12. I cannot activate Accordance 13 after downloading it.  I restarted computer. I disabled firewall. I set System Preferences to allow downloaded apps from all sources. (temporarily). It did not help at all.   Everything had been running smoothly. I don't understand why changing from what is working (the perfect is the enemy of the good).

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Hi @Enoch,
I would for sure write Tech Support again and let them know everything you just wrote. Also, when you said that it had been working, it sounds like that was before an update? If so, I know Tech Support is able to get you back to an older update. They have done that for a few people and it has helped.


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I have been emailing back & forth with Tech Support & getting no where. Last I was told to go to

AccordanceBible.com, log in & then select "update settings," but I see no such thing to click on anywhere, after spending considerable time looking for such a menu selection.

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Hi @Enoch,

I agree going to the website does not make sense, as the problem is the application. Either way, I don't see an "update settings" section when I log in to the website either.


I don't know, but I think it is possible that they were referring to the program settings. From the Accordance program, try Accordance --> Preferences --> Updates (which is the last option). I would check what that is set to.


Additionally, I would email back and let them know it still is not working. They do have some sort of support tree and see if you can get the case escalated. Maybe it just needs another set of eyes on it.



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Your password for Accordance is the same for the Website and the app, so changing it in one place does update the other. After logging in at the Website, you can find the place to change the password in the Account Details section. But I agree that emailing or calling Support again is the best option. 

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I already changed my password, which I think has nothing to do with this false claim the Accordance program is giving me about having no internet connection.

It was just a waste of time, a useless hoop to jump through.

Yesterday I changed the Preferences Update panel to say daily automatic updates. But that apparently has also done no good.

I guess it seems that Tech Support does not read this area of the Forum.

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@Enoch, the forums are primarily user-to-user, even the Support sections, although Accordance personnel do frequent them. Technical support officially is by email and phone, and is quite competent. That's still your best choice for resolving any issues. 


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Hi @Enoch,

To be honest, I don't really know how often tech support checks the forum. I think they do, but not regularly. I would for sure email again. I don't know if it would be helpful or not, but sometimes when I contact support I sent them the link to various threads on the forum. So you could maybe send them this and that other one from last week where people were having issues.

.... Scott just responded while I was writing this, and I agree with that last thing he said. Tech support is very competent and helpful. Just let them know this is still an issue.


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I finally figured it out/stumbled to success.  When I was on the way to AccordanceBible.com, a danger warning came up about unconfirmed certificate. I don't recall how I got on the way to AccordanceBible.com.  It may have been in the Accordance Update system after I got the refusal & it gave a place to click if you were blocked.  

After the warning popped up, I clicked on view the certificate.

Then I looked at the menu where you could expand things. One of them was "details."   I marked a couple of places where it said TRUST, even though Jeremiah pronounces a curse on the one who trusts in man!  Then I clicked on "continue."  After that now I am downloading from Accordance.  The language that Tech Support used seems to have been inaccurate.  My guess is that perhaps you get different language in the warning depending on which MacOS you are using so Tech support may not know all the different language that can pop up.  Prior to that I did some things that did not cure the problem; I donno if they helped: I erased accordance data from the Keychain, & I tried to get rid of my Safari cookies, though they kept reappearing after I activated the Remove All, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice.


  I was using Yosemite, which I have held on to, because my Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard (one model number is 4000) has all these nice special feature which don't work after Yosemite.  Eventually I figure I will be forced out of Yosemite, since even now I can't read my Outlook / hotmail email with Yosemite Safari, & the Accordance chat window does not work with Yosemite Safari.  I mostly use FireFox as my browser for everything but Freedom of Speech Gab.com, where I use Dissenter.  Brave Browser won't work with Yosemite.  Time was when you bought something & then you had it for a possession. Now with computer stuff, it times out.  Somebody wrote a book did they not, years ago, called Future Shock?  Shall I go back to DOS 3.3 & Nota Bene & use physical books in my library?

Edited by Enoch
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Hi @Enoch,

That is great it got sorted out. :) That is also really intense that you are on Yosemite! It will for sure be jarring when you finally get kicked onto the most recent operating system against your will. I feel like with each passing year more and more freedoms are being taken away and Apple's 2-Factor being forced on people reminds me of, um, well, let's just say another country. It is beyond obnoxious and I miss what technology was like even 5 years ago.

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Enoch's solution is what usually works to fix this issue. This is only to be attempted with Safari.

Please contact Tech Support at techsupport@accordancebible.com if Enoch's solution doesn't work for you. 

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It started working again and I can access the forums now via my real IP address.

I didn't do anything with my PC or App settings, so I guess there was some changes done upstream to fix this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My problem came back. I need to use a VPN to get a US IP address to connect to Accordance (both website and application, to check for content updates).


This is getting very unreasonable and is testing patience. 

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We have a known issue with the older browsers in El Capitan and Yosemite. You have to remove the Keychain Access 'Certificates' for Accordancebible.com or for 'R3'. Then you have to open Safari (only Safari) and go to https://www.accordancebible.com. You should get a certificate error in which you have to manually check to 'Always trust accordancebible.com'. Sometimes you have to look for it. It varies from computer to computer.


This was recently brought on by a change in DNS servers on our part in order to speed up our website. If you need assistance with this we can help. Contact us at techsupport@accordancebible.com.


If you are not using El Capitan or Yosemite then it will be something else causing the issue. Please provide more detail if needed.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm on El Capitan running Accordance 13.3.2.  The solution for me was to open Safari, go to AccordanceBible.com, there will be 2 certificate warnings you need to click on "view the web site", and now the internet connection not available warning is gone and I can update.  THANK YOU enoch!!!!

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  • 8 months later...

Just wanted to add to this topic. I installed Yosemite on a freshly erased MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) and ran into the same issues.


There is a little bit of blame to spread around on this one but the LTDR is to run Accordance (Only used the latest 13) you need to upgrade. I put on Big Sur and it works fine now.


I will fault Accordance with having terrible error messages. Obviously there was no problem with not having an active internet connection. Anyone telling you to change passwords, use wired connection, try wearing blue socks and a hat, is just wasting your time. The problem that the error should reflect is that the system cannot validate the SSL certificate. More helpful error messages would lead to much faster resolution.


Why can it not validate the cert? Because Accordance uses the free "let's encrypt" for its cert provider. I personally like let's encrypt as it's a great thing to get more sites using encryption, but they are a late comer to the game and an old OS like Yosemite does not work properly with it because it lacks the correct root certificates. If you can get Safari to install these root certificates you may be good to go. For some reason I could not get Safari to play nice with let's encrypt. This was not limited to the accordance site, but any site using Let's Encrypt. On Yosemite there was no option in Safari to view or trust the cert. I could add the cert directly to the keychain and trust it there. This allowed Chrome to work fine but Safari was still not having it. As Accordance likely uses the Safari libraries behind the scenes it really doesn't matter if Chrome works, Safari has to work or the software would not install.


I recommend to Accordance should they read this post to get better error messages and either 1. Use a more mainstream SSL certificate or 2. test and update their system requirements for Mac. Yosemite is of course an ancient OS and probably should not be run anyway. It took me a bit to figure out how to upgrade it without using an apple account but that is an Apple problem.


I should note I went this route using an old surplus Macbook I had acquired for a few bucks because I was tired of the horrible experience of running accordance on Linux. The best option there was using a Windows VM, but this takes forever to start up and eats a great deal of system resources so I don't like keeping it running when not actively using Accordance. This basically meant I found myself avoiding using the software. I am hoping having a separate inexpensive system that just have plugged in and I access through a remote desktop solution (NoMachine which I strongly recommend) will give me the quick and light on resources solution I am looking for. Still it would be great if you guys got this running under Wine.


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6 hours ago, joel.stucki said:

Why can it not validate the cert? Because Accordance uses the free "let's encrypt" for its cert provider.

Let’s Encrypt is mainstream. Its certificates used to work on Yosemite, but in August 2021, the original cross-signed Let’s Encrypt certificate had to be replaced because it had expired. The new one works on macOS 10.12.1 or later. It can probably be made to work on Yosemite by installing the Let’s Encrypt root certificate from here: https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/. I suggest you try the self-signed ISRG Root X1 in pem format. Installing that on an iPad 2 got it working with Let’s Encrypt certificates.

Edited by jlm
Fix typo
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On the topic of Accordance not knowing you're connected and giving bad error messages... In the Android version, I must be connected to the internet before I start up Accordance. Otherwise, when I try to check for updates, it won't work, even though I've gotten online. Also, it will give no error message. It just goes and goes.

In Windows, my computer is always online, so I wouldn't know whether that would ever happen with that version.


I think it's something to consider in your troubleshooting, regardless of platform, for anyone else still struggling with this kind of problem.

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19 hours ago, jlm said:

Let’s Encrypt is mainstream. Its certificates used to work on Yosemite, but in August 2021, the original cross-signed Let’s Encrypt certificate had to be replaced because it had expired.

Yeah I like Let's Encrypt, but it is a relative newcomer to the game and you would not have these issues with one of the bigger players. If anything I blame Yosmite more than Let's encrypt because I did install the updated certs and trust them but Safari on Yosemite would still not accept the updated certs even though Chrome instantly did and had no function to view or trust the certs which I just found weird. I work with this stuff for a living so I am quite familiar with how it works. While it's entirely possible I was missing some obscure setting in Safari to get the trust working, if I can't find it, it is going to be pretty hard to find.


I didn't spend too much time on it as I knew Yosmite was too old to be running anyway but I was just being lazy and trying to get Accordance up and running quickly. I still think Accordance needs to change their minimum reqs to exclude OSes that don't work on a clean install and get better error messages. Update to Big Sur fixed everything and was probably what I should have done before installing anything.

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