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Brill Dictionary (GE) for iOS

Tim Planche

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Thanks so much fo the The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek -


Have be n waiting for this for ages and just bought it this morning - it works well on my my - but will not install on my iPhone or iPad - 


Am I right in assuming I will be able to install soon after an update to iOS? I do most of my reading on my iPad so it would be disappointing if I can't install iOS devices


thanks in advance

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Yes. The next update to the Accordance iOS app will allow users to take advantage of the new unicode support in these Brill tools, as well as the enhanced Letters search  available in updated Hebrew Texts. 

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3 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

 available in updated Hebrew Texts. 

Should there not more Hebrew Texts to be updated? Only the HMT-W4 is on 2.1. The BHS-T etc. are still holding back. 

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10 minutes ago, Fabian said:

Should there not more Hebrew Texts to be updated? Only the HMT-W4 is on 2.1. The BHS-T etc. are still holding back. 

Yes. We'll be updating the remainder of the Hebrew Texts this week. 

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Does the transliteration in the Instant Details not work with the unicode font by hovering over a Greek word?

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Does that mean that all of the modules which say they need a later version of Acc for iOS will work again and I won't need to delete modules and try to redownload earlier modules - I got so confused with this that just gave up using Accordance on iPad (which am still working from home is not a great loss but once forced to commute I would love the iOS Accordance to work)

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Deleting and re-installing is pretty straightforward, if you really want to have it back on iOS. I use my ipad daily (using it right now) so it mattered to me. Delete the HMT-W4 and reinstall from Easy Install. The app will know to install the older version that will work. You don’t even need to worry about checking which version it is. 

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may I know if the next update that support the Brill dictionary will launch soon? or months away? 

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11 minutes ago, henryaukc said:

may I know if the next update that support the Brill dictionary will launch soon? or months away? 


7 minutes ago, henryaukc said:

How about the “Etymological Dictionary of Greek”? will it be supported in iOS soon too?


Both works from Brill will be be given support on iOS in an upcoming update. It will be sooner rather than later; and I assume this year, but I'm not a programmer. I don't know if it will be in the very next update or not. 

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  • 1 month later...

Accordance users were previously told that the Brill Dictionary (GE) would be compatible with iOS in the next Accordance update, unfortunately, as far as I can tell that has not been the case. Do you happen to know why this wasn’t included in the recent update?

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Ditto from me - just updated to Accordance iOS 3.2.8 this morning and was a little disappointed to see that I still can't add the  The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek -(GE) or the Etymological Dictionary of Greek.


Any news please on when we can expect to see an update that will support the unicode in these new Brill tools?


thanks - I was really looking forward to getting these dictionaries on my iPad

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9 hours ago, JT798 said:

Accordance users were previously told that the Brill Dictionary (GE) would be compatible with iOS in the next Accordance update, unfortunately, as far as I can tell that has not been the case. Do you happen to know why this wasn’t included in the recent update?

I’m also disappointed, but above in this thread, Rick said, “an upcoming update,” not “the next update.”

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  • 1 month later...

My point isn’t to complain nor grumble, and I understand that back in September Mark Allison originally said the next iOS update would support this Brill tool while Rick Mansfield said not necessarily the next but a future update, but needless to say, I’m disappointed this tool isn’t compatible with iOS yet.

The primary reason I purchased this tool in September was because of the reassurance it’d be given iOS support, which is very important to me since I use Accordance mostly on an iPad. Perhaps this product will receive iOS support within a week or a year, at this point I’m not sure what to expect. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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A new year will come before we have a big update of Accordance iOS. JT798, I understand your frustration as I bought the Brill resource for the same reason. I don’t want to grumble too but I really want Accordance can put more resources on the iOS development team so that we will have some bigger update every year. 

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  • 1 month later...

I joined the beta program. I would happy to tell you that a release that support the new resources are now under beta testing.

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  • 1 month later...

Just checking to see if there is any news on the iOS update that can support the unicode needed for these new Brill tools?

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4 hours ago, Tim Planche said:

Just checking to see if there is any news on the iOS update that can support the unicode needed for these new Brill tools?


Here is a screenshot from the 3.3 beta, which will hopefully be released soon. A number of titles that wouldn't run in iOS will now run in this version.



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Hi Richard


a great revelation in the screen shot


can't wait and thanks for the update



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  • 1 month later...



thanks so much


Accordance for iOS 3.3.0 has just downloaded to my iPad


I now have The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek - (and also the Etymological Dictionary of Greek)


Really look froward to using this while reading on the iPad



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