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Crash when scrolling - 13.3.0

Paul Meiklejohn

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Post Edit: This should be on Mac Bugs.  Admin, please delete.


I had a serious issue with Accordance 13.2.2 when I was fast scrolling a text module (a whole chapter or more) on my Mac and MacBook.  I'm having the same issue on 13.3.0.  Could a few of you please test this on your computers to see if you can replicate this.  That will help me assess if it's just me before I chat to technical support.   A simple response with either 'good' or 'crashed' will suffice. 


Much appreciated.  



Edited by Paul Meiklejohn
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  • Paul Meiklejohn changed the title to Crash when scrolling - 13.3.0
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paul,


I couldn't reproduce it. Maybe I am not doing the same thing that you are. Which text are you using and which operating system is on your Mac?


If we need to trouble shoot you can contact us directly at techsupport@accordancebible.com .



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Billy, thanks for getting back to me.  I managed to track down the problem.  I had a workspace in the background that was always open and recycling in the background, scrolling was causing the the app to crash.  I deleted the rogue workspace and recreated it from scratch.  It’s working brilliantly now.  


Thanks for letting me know..



Edited by Paul Meiklejohn
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