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A duplicate Accordance App for iOS


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Is there any way to have a second Accordance app for the iOS. Such that I can use one for one purpose all the time and another for another purpose? That would be fantastic!

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I don't think iOS allows you to have the same app on a device twice.

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Precisely, not possible to download two of the same. It would require Accordance to give the second one a new name. I also have Logos and use 5 of their apps on my phone. They all work almost identically from each other. So I use each one for for a different purpose. That is what I wish Accordance would do. Am I a little more clear? Thanks!

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Yes, I suggested this once. Having two apps would let you look up something in once while keeping your place on the other. It would also allow to use both in iPadOS with split view, giving you two zones.


However, I don’t know if App Store Review will accept duplicate apps now or not. There are now other ways to achieve these things without duplicating the app: since iOS 13 an app can have multiple windows (though it may require major modifications to be able to do this), various apps have rolled their own tab support, etc. Logos is allowed multiple apps because they have multiple brands. Marvin SxS was long before iOS 13.

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But Logos also makes use of Spanish app vs. English, as well as other workarounds. At the end, they are great. Accordance is such a powerful software, that having two apps would make a huge difference.

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iOS lets you run 2 instances of the same app. So you install one app but can run it twice. The dev has to turn this on and I'm not sure if any of the Bible app makers have. Accordance hasn't.

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While you can't install Accordance twice, the Legacy Standard Bible app is really just Accordance under a different name.   You sign in using your Accordance account and can download all of your Accordance resources.  You could try and see if that would serve your purpose.  

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2 hours ago, dmwebb6 said:

While you can't install Accordance twice, the Legacy Standard Bible app is really just Accordance under a different name.   You sign in using your Accordance account and can download all of your Accordance resources.  You could try and see if that would serve your purpose.  

I had no idea about the Legacy app! Now I have two instances of Accordance open side by side in split view, each window having distinct content. Been waiting a while for this. 


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Yea, I use the Accordance and LSB app as well. It’s the equivalent of two Accordance apps.

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Does this duplicate the library content or does it share resources? I have a large library and would chew through a lot of space unnecessarily if I had to duplicate content.

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hunt said:

Does this duplicate the library content or does it share resources? I have a large library and would chew through a lot of space unnecessarily if I had to duplicate content.

It does duplicate it, so you have to make strategic decisions about what you want to duplicate in the second app or install only in it.

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I’ve already discovered one disadvantage: they both respond to the same URL scheme. That means that accord:// links now open in the LSB app, which doesn’t have all of my resources. My guess is that the URL goes to the app that was installed more recently. I’ll have to think about how to deal with this: delete and reinstall Accordance? Delete resources from Accordance and install them on LSB instead? I use links heavily to link into Accordance from notes I keep outside it, so the links have to open in an app that has a wide range of modules.

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13 hours ago, dmwebb6 said:

While you can't install Accordance twice, the Legacy Standard Bible app is really just Accordance under a different name.   You sign in using your Accordance account and can download all of your Accordance resources.  You could try and see if that would serve your purpose.  

This is fantastic and exactly what I needed! I think few people know about it. And it works. One user above worried about taking too much space by having two apps with a huge library. Not a problem. You only download what you want. JLM, I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am. תודה רבה 

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On 9/8/2021 at 2:46 PM, jlm said:

I’ve already discovered one disadvantage: they both respond to the same URL scheme. That means that accord:// links now open in the LSB app, which doesn’t have all of my resources. My guess is that the URL goes to the app that was installed more recently. I’ll have to think about how to deal with this: delete and reinstall Accordance? Delete resources from Accordance and install them on LSB instead? I use links heavily to link into Accordance from notes I keep outside it, so the links have to open in an app that has a wide range of modules.

I did delete and reinstall Accordance, and accord:// links still open in LSB. So it’s not based on the order of installation. At this point, I could put the majority of my resources in LSB, and use the Accordance app for additional resources, but I suspect the Accordance app gets updates first, and later they’re rolled out to LSB.


A check of the version history on the App Store confirms this: The latest version of LSB is 3.2.3, from five months ago. Accordance iOS is at 3.2.7.

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