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the iOS app issue

Leopold Green

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I know I should have posted this in the iOS support forum but...


I rarely use the iPad version of accordance and since have been working from home for last 16 months - one of the rare upside of CV19 has been daily time with the Mac version of Accordance - a thing of brilliance!


I used to use the iPad version whilst commuting but I never really got it - even as an e-reader. I have joined some of Rick's webinars so I do know I can do more with it but I guess I don't need to whilst at home. I saw the posts about the iOS version not opening hebrew texts so I tried the app for first time in ages (after having upgraded all the modules which I clearly shouldn't have done) and clearly it doesn't work. I think rather than asking about specific modules I wonder whether Rick or Mark could give any timescales as to when whatever is wrong generally might be fixed?


Also - and the real point of my post - I have the 12.9 iPad and when I do open Accordance I look at all the space and wish I could have the desktop version of Accordance or at least something close to it - is there a roadmap for where the iOS app might go?


Thanks and sorry this isn't meant to takeaway from the existing thread: "newer version of iOS Accordance required?"

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There is a new version out today--3.2.6. I've not had a chance to see if the issue with Hebrew texts has been fixed yet, but when you update to it, let us know how it works on your end.


Also, I'm going to move this discussion to the iOS section. 

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It doesn't change the issue with Hebrew text modules, but only played with it for a couple of minutes


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