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Background Color in Instant details


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Is there a reason why the background color in instant details does not conform to the tool display setting?


instant details.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see that there has been no response from Accordance yet. Is the instant details box not supposed to be the same background color as is set in the tool display setting? It does seem that this is a "bug".

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The Instant Details palette is not considered a Text or a Tool. It is more like the Info Pane and has no background setting preferences.

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Thanx Mark. Do you think this could be changed in the future?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just let me say, please accordance, either let the info pane have the same color as the overall theme, or let us set it to a theme. I would be happy with either option. This becomes even more important with HDR 400 and above monitors. Pure White becomes nearly blinding in that case.

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One thing you could do in the interim is to have the instant details hover instead. That way it is not always visible.


Preferences/Instant details


Mine might look slightly different as I am on a Mac

Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 2.26.34 PM.png

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