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Problems in new update: search highlight colors and paragraph spacing

Donald Cobb

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Hello all,


I've been appreciating some of the features in the new update. Thanks! There are some problems, though. When I do a (triple click) search on a word in BDAG, the highlighted word and corresponding reference are no longer in the color I assigned to them, but are in black. I go into tool display to reset the color, click on "choose color" and Accordance immediately crashes. This happens each time I try.


Secondly, a more minor bug: the new update sets book titles and subtitles as default. If I remove them, I find that paragraph spacing is also affected, going from my 25 point default to 15 points. So in all my saved workspaces, I have to reset the spacing for my modules.


I'm working with a very recent MacBook Air, on Big Sur.



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Do you get a crash log when the crash occurs?  If so, can you post it here?

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Hi Silas,


No crash report comes up when this happens. If I go into Console, I find this:


Jul 20 08:23:30 ex2700 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (application.com.OakTree.Accordance.1677038.1677044[30113]): Service exited with abnormal code: 217

Perhaps that can be of some help.

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17 hours ago, Silas Marrs said:

Do you get a crash log when the crash occurs?  If so, can you post it here?


If not, would you like a video recording of this? It's absolutely systematic.

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The newest update seems to have taken care of the highlighting problem. Thanks Silas and the other folk at Accordance!

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I have been having the same problem with highlighted search colors in all of my tools. When I start the app and amplify to a tool, the highlight is black. If I change the color, it will work for the rest of the time I have the app open, but if I close it and then open it again, the problem resets and changes the color back to black. I have a MacBook Pro running Big Sur.

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