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Hebrew update

Robert Vincent

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I just updated BHS-W4, and this is what came up for what should have been Genesis 17:15.


Genesis 90:-22778‏ ֬׃@ףשׂ)ֳֶ"L@אמסא ֳ֫ךֳֶ@נשׂמסא (׃ֵֶַ֔@ףר Lֹ(@ףנ ם֬L־1@שׁנ׳3מס ("ֱ־1@ףע ֗.ֳֳֶ֡@נשׂמסשׂ)ֳֶ׃Lֳ֞@נשׂטסשׂץ3מס ֬׃@ףשׂ ךֱֶ@שׁנפ3טס}2{ ַ֞@ףא ןֵףֵ֔@נשׂבסא ַ֞@ףא ִ֞֔(@פ׳3טס םִן@ףפ)ַם@נשׂמפשׂץ3טס ("ֱ־1@ףע ֗.׃ֱִֶ֔@נשׂטסשׂץ1שׂס ףֶֶ־1@שׁהפ3מס ֲ@צ

‎Genesis 90:-22777‏ ֬׃@ףשׂ (םֶ־1@שׁקו3מס (׃ֵLִֹ֞֔ם@נשׂמפא (ֵL@ףפ (ַ֗׃ֳֳֶ֞ם@נפ ֳֶַ֡֔@נפ (ִ֔.ֳ֞@נשׂטסשׂץ2מס Lֹ(@ףנ ֶ֫(־1@שׁק׳2מס ("ֱ־1@ףע ֔"ם־1@נשׂמסשׂץ3טס ֳֶַ֡֔@נפ ך.ִ֔־2@ףשׂ ֳֳֶ֡֞־2@נפ ֔"ם־1@נשׂמסשׂץ3טס

‎Genesis 90:-22776‏ ֬׃@ףשׂ ֶ֗ך־2@שׁפפ1שׂס}2{ ("ֱ־1@ףעץ3טס ֬׃@ףשׂ ֗.ַם@ףשׂ ןֱן@שׁקפ1שׂס םִן@ףפץ3טס L׃@ףפץ

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Bob Vincet

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Confirmed here. The update is a total mess.

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We'll take a look at this ASAP.  In the meantime, is there a particular reason you are using BHS-W4 instead of HMT-W4 or MT-ETCBC?  For a good number of years now we've been encouraging our users to one of those two new texts.  HMT-W4 is a free upgrade for all BHS-W4 owners.

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I posted the same problem in another thread.  I updated earlier in the week but just noticed this today (after another small set of content updates that I did not even pay attention too when I said to do it).  As for HMT-W4, how do we download it?  It does not show up in my Easy Install as an option?



In Christ,




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I just downloaded HMT-W4 from the website and it works fine.  It resolved the issues (both the strange view of the tagging inline, and also that the BHS-W4 said it could not find Daniel).



In Christ,




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I don’t know if this is related, but I can’t open these updated modules on my iPad. It says these texts require a newer version of Accordance even though I’m running the latest version from App Store. The MT-AFD and old BHS-W4 will open, but not the HMT-W4, BHS-T, or ETCBC. 

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I am having trouble with the tagging in the BHS module.


Module Name: Biblia Hebraic Stuttgartensia Tagged (BHS-T)

Module Version: Version 2.0 (just downloaded)

Accordance Version: 13.2.0

Operating System: MacOS Big Sur 11.4


When I searched for מְעוֹן in the BHS, I got 31 hits.

  • The word does indeed occur in all the verses; however, it is rarely tagged correctly.
  • In 18 of those hits, the word מְעוֹן is either tagged as a different word (e.g., בַּעַל in Josh 13.17), or another word is tagged as מְעוֹן and is therefore highlighted (e.g., the third waw [וְ] in Num 32.38).


Is this a problem with the update? I have never seen mistagging quite so off. Is it just a freak accident with this particular word? I think it unlikely.

Edited by Philip Mohr
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59 minutes ago, Philip Mohr said:

Is this a problem with the update? I have never seen mistagging quite so off. Is it just a freak accident with this particular word? I think it unlikely.


After a little more reading and translating, there is definitely a module-wide problem. Many words are shifted one forward or backward in the tagging, and some words are missing altogether. Even Gen 1.1 is off (no tagging for בָּרָא, and then every word after it tags the word before).

Edited by Philip Mohr
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I'm bumping this post because I feel like this thread has not been adequately addressed yet. Accordance is supposed to be Bible software primarily, and one of the Bibles isn't working properly. This should be a top priority.



Now that I'm looking at it, BHS-T 2.0 also has LOST its apparatus tagging, the A's, B's, C's. That is no doubt part of the larger problem.



Edited by Philip Mohr
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An update to the BHS-T (2.1) should be posted today that adds back the superscripts. Also, we've found the issue with the BHS-W4, and we should have a fix in the next couple of days. 

Sorry for the hassle!

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Version 2.1 of BHS-T is ready to download and fixes issues with superscripts and tagging. 

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22 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

Version 2.1 of BHS-T is ready to download and fixes issues with superscripts and tagging. 


Now I am noticing that there is a different problem with tagging/searching. E.g., if I word-search for [NOUN] in the BHS-T, I get 0 hits. I should get over 100k.

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In reply to the original post, the BHS-W4 has just been updated to version 5.1, fixing the font display issues. 

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