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Command - F


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Seems like about 10 years ago I requested the standard computer program feature (Command-F) & was assured that it was coming, though Logos has it!  Now I know that Accordance does not want to be 2nd fiddle!  Recently I was needing a comment on some verse.  So I went to the verse and brought up the Info Pane.  But missing from my vast list of modules bought from Accordance was the module of The Complete Bible Library. Also, it was missing from my Accordance Library.  But after some days of estrangement from that module, I found it listed as CBL (not Complete Bible Library).  So I put in also a request that it be also listed in the Library by its name.  Back to Command-F:  after I brought up the module, I found it difficult to find a comment on the desired verse as Command-F was not available on Accordance.  Perhaps upon reflection you will be convicted that Accordance really must have this very standard keyboard shortcut to search for words or strings on a screen.  I have confidence that the brilliant Accordance programming persons can do this.

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I think the feature will be released soon in 13.2.

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Thanks for the Command-F news!  Then I shall have to start using version 13 which I bought, but set aside since for some reason I did not like that upgrade - I cannot remember why.  So to get to 13.2, I suppose that will be in the free upgrade system?

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Yes, it will be a free upgrade. On the video canals of Accordance you can see the most new features. Check for Accordance 13.2. 

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