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Searching multiple resources?


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Is it possible to search for a word or phrase in multiple resources at the same time in the android app? I don't see an option to do so. 

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There is no Research support yet. I agree it would be great to have




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Looking forward to this being added. The lack of the "research" option is the main reason I rarely use Accordance on my iPad.

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2 minutes ago, Andrew Sauza said:

Looking forward to this being added. The lack of the "research" option is the main reason I rarely use Accordance on my iPad.


I'm afraid this is the case for me as well. I sat down to write an article this morning (which would require some extensive research) and I naturally found myself gravitating away from Accordance for Android and toward the competition. Yes, the competition has some glaring problems at the moment (search handicapped, no scrolling w/ keyboard on android, etc) but I can have multiple tabs open at the same time, can easily (relatively) switch between open tabs, etc. If I have a commentary I want to look at, I do not want to close my TSK in order to get at it. In fact, I want to be able to have my bible in a tab, my bible + the TSK on a tab in a split pane, a commentary (or the three commentaries I frequently use) in separate tabs and all linked together so whatever verse I go to on any tab all the other tabs are updated.   


The issue currently with them is the inability to search multiple resources (in a timely manner). I'm thinking it is a glitch. The feature is there and implemented, just not well enough. If I run the search and go to a different tab and then come back later, the search results are there. But who has a 1/2 hour to kill when you're in the middle of writing an article or paper?


I have a better stand on order and it should get here on Thursday. My hope is it will place the phone directly above my keyboard hands free (instead of off to the side like now), which will turn easily from landscape to portrait, where I can quickly reach up and use the touch screen (where programs have not included keyboard scrolling yet) without having to take it out of the cradle.  


But, still, without multi tab support or the ability to search multiple texts (or all texts in my library), at this point, I'm not certain Accordance for Android will do the trick.  


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Once the mobile app can support the Timeline, Atlas, and ability to search multiple resources, it will be the best app in my mind. Looking forward to future updates.

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